ممكن حل كتاب الانجليزي الورك بوك ص 33 و 34
As learned from gum medically in the manufacture of tarpaulins and work Stickers medical, and also added to the solution used in the eye and the production of incense, while the oil is used and the papers and the parties gum trees flowering in the treatment of the chest through the fat area front and sides of the head with the inhalation of fragrance rising from the oil bottle several times, It also enters the oil Allpaneva the perfume industry and powder the face, soap, and is used frankincense mentioned in recipes of traditional medicine and that Bgleh with plant fresh parsley, and continue boiling until the remains of water about one cup, then strain and drink half of it morning and night, for the treatment of bronchitis, as described by some doctors for someaddicted to smoking, to chew for hours on a specific day to help in quitting smoking.
Frankincense is divided according to quality into four types:” chewing gum” Alhogera is the finest species, and ‘gum’ and ‘Najdi Cbar chewing gum” and” popular”, and the measure of quality is the color and purity, with a color Vallban White tinged Balzarkh is the best kind of gum and Oglah price, and the more money its color to red I said quality, and the terminology accepted in the Baihallban that frankincense tree called” generous” ocher, and the tree that is produced is called” tight” the goat and the average productionone tree about ten kilograms.
Benefits of chewing gum” male”
Of the benefits of chewing gum strengthen the heart and brain, and control of the dullness and forgetfulness, which is useful for inkjet and diarrhea blood if you drink or SF him half ‘teaspoon’, and it was doctors pharaohs used it to treat mania and to expel evil spirits, which goes cough, roughness and chest pain, weak kidneys, wasting, and fit drugs and break the unity, and has many other benefits, and methods of common use, dissolve a teaspoon of crushed in water, can also be soaked in the evening until the morning, to drink on an empty stomach once a day.
Out of gum
” Alkndr” is the gum above, which is a homogeneous mixture of resin and gum, volatile oil, and ‘Alkndr” in Farsi is gum Arabic, and Hgrallban does not grow in the plains, but in the mountains only, and that the odor and bitter taste special, and the user part of thetrees Alkndr, gum and peel the leg, and Isthsal gum from the stems of the trees and the Bkhaddchha ax sharp, and then leaves come out of a viscous liquid, yellowish to brown in color and freezes on the place scarified from the legs, and then combine those of a solid that is chewing gum, and the main source of his Sultanate of Oman, Yemen and Somalia .
Manners at school
saying good morning/afternoon if you are walking past an adult who you know
asking if you can borrow something, not just taking
returning things that you have borrowed
waiting your turn before you speak
saying ‘excuse me,’ rather than pushing past someone
holding the door open for the person coming in, especially if he is carrying something
respecting your own and other people’s property, especially school property
saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
When you are out
If you are out with other kids…
Respect other people.
Be polite to others.
Don’t use bad language in public – it is offensive to others.
Let an older person have your seat on buses, trains and trams if there is nowhere for them to sit.
Queue up quietly and don’t push.
Put your rubbish into bins, don’t leave it for someone else to clean up.
Have fun but don’t be so loud that you attract the wrong kind of attention.
Respect property.
Don’t make fun of anyone – everyone has feelings.
Don’t run in shopping centres or where there are other people.
If you are out with your parents or other adults…
Use your good manners so that you don’t embarrass anyone.
Introduce any friends you meet to the people you are with.
Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Don’t be a ‘canna’. ("canna have this?" and "canna have that?")
At the table
• Use your knife to cut and your fork to put the food in your mouth.
• Chew food with your mouth closed.
• Ask for things to be passed to you, don’t lean over the table.
• If you need to blow your nose, excuse yourself and go out of the room first.
• Don’t grab everything you want first – help others to get their food and be prepared to share.
• Don’t talk with your mouth full. It is not a good look!
On the phone
If you have to answer the phone, there are 3 important things to remember:
1. Say your telephone number and who you are, eg. ‘Jane speaking.’
2. Never say, "Mum/Dad, or any other adult you live with, is out".
Say "—– can’t come to the phone right now – may I take a message?"
You don’t know whether the person on the other end of the phone is a would-be burglar, so you need to keep yourself safe. Don’t give out any other information. The caller doesn’t need to know if mum is in the bathroom or whatever!
3. Always write down messages including phone numbers and organise with your family where the messages are to be put, eg. by the phone or on the fridge. The person who gets the message can choose whether or not to phone back, but it is good manners to let them know that they have a message anyway.
When you are using a phone
Negotiate with your family for length of time on the phone so that one person doesn’t use the phone for hours, making it difficult for anyone else to use it. This is especially important if your internet access uses the same line.
If you have a mobile, don’t text or call someone when you’re with a friend unless you first ask if your friend minds.
If you get a call, say "excuse me" and move away from others to answer it, then make it a quick call. (How would you feel if you were just standing around while your friend was chatting away?)
ويا الاسئلة
المطلوب ورقة وحدة
ان شاء الله تقدرون تساعدوني
امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022 , 2022 , اللغة الانجليزية , الثامن
في امان الله,
و أتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم و تستفيدون منه
لو سمحتوا ابغي مشروع الوحدة التاسعة