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- مراجعة شاملة وتدريبات للحادي عشر الفصل الثاني.doc (477.0 كيلوبايت, 2876 مشاهدات)
في المرفقااااااات
اضغط هناللتحميل ,,
ممم بما اني مسوية ملخص حقي طبعا ماعتمد ع الكتاب بكبرهه
اححط الاسئلة المتوقعة والمهمة
والاكيييييييييد بتي 80 % ان شاءالله
بما اني قاعدة ادرس الححينه
قلت بحط لكم المراجعة للي يبيه
بس حبيت اقولكم بدون النحوو
بس دروس المهارات اللغوية
باقي الملخص ف المرفقات عبارة عن 7 صفحات تقريباً
س1 : اكتب معاني المفردات التالية :- – ثقفتموهم : …………………….. – انتهوا : ………………………… – قصاص : ……………………. – جمع سبيل ؟ …………………….. – حدد الأفكار الرئيسية في هذه الآيات ؟ 1) ……………………………………….. . 2) …………………………………………. 3) …………………………………………..
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لي و لمعهد الامارات التعليمي
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
The Internet
The Internet began in the United States of America (USA) in the 1960’s, funded by the Ministry of Defence it was used to send/share information from computer to another computer using the telephone lines. From this it has exploded into the widest used entertainment, information, research and communication resources service there is to date.
The Internet is one of the youngest and fastest growing media in today’s world. Internet growth is still accelerating, which indicates that the Internet has not yet reached its highest expansion period . It should be noted, however, that while the Internet is a completely new kind of medium, by separating it into a distinct category, we are allowing for a certain amount of double counting, because all the Internet-based stock of information is already accounted for under "magnetic" or "tape" categories. Furthermore, we should make clear the distinction between the stock and the flow of information. While web sites and some portion of email messages are being stored and accounted for under different storage categories, there are other "components" of what we know as "Internet," such as Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or Telnet, which exist only as a flow of communication. What makes the Internet extremely successful is that it is one of a handful of media (such as radio and TV), where one unit of storage might generate terabytes of flow, as opposed to books and newspapers, where one exemplar is usually read by one or two people, and the flow of information is relatively low.
Uses of the internet
1- World Wide Web
The WWW is made up of interactive $$$$ and graphical tools that provides for the exchange of information and ideas. The www was actually conceived as a way for physicists to share their data. In 1998 Tim Burners – Lee led a team in Switzerland to develop the initial idea. Key among these was hyper$$$$ or “hot” portions, an online $$$$$$$$ which, when selected, takes the user to a related or “linked” $$$$$$$$ i.e. if the user were reading about dinosaurs on the WWW and selected the hyper$$$$ world “tyrannosaurus” he would then go directly to a $$$$$$$$ dealing specifically with that species.
Every computer needs an Internet Service Provider (ISP) browser to assess the WWW. With the browser one can navigate through the web, also it allows one to go back and forward through web page visited. Other functions available in the browser which the WWW needs are:
• URL – this is the address for web pages
• Buttons – to click and access another resource page
• Hyper$$$$ hotlink – is clicked on for – sponsors and other reference page and some downloads – music, video clips, software
• Bookmark/holists/favorites – save the address of favorites sites
Today several web browsers are available for IBM and Macintosh based computers and most of the major online services include web browsers in standard packages.
The WWW is so easy to use one simple has to point the cursor the cursor and click on one’s browser, which also allows web pages to be viewed through any computer which is connected to the internet and has a browser. It also makes the ability for software and data files easy to download. Hyper$$$$ and multimedia are two outstanding aspects of the WWW.
2- Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
E-mail is the widest used service today; its main purpose is to send computers or electronic massage to another Internet users account. The computer sends the massage via telephone lines to the server where the message is stored in a remote computer or the receiver account, until the receiver comes online. It allows a person to send messages, files, and pictures just about anything imaginable to another person anywhere in the world so long as that person has an account.
3- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The main purpose of ftp is to download files from a distant computer and place them onto own hard disk. Whether or not a file is available for download depends on two things:
Whether one is allowed to download files to the hard disk of the computer in use.
Whether the desired file is available for copying.
Whether or not the user is permitted to download files to the computer may depend on the availability of disk space, which is low in some ********s. However those using their own PCs may do whatever they like.
Most computer files need the user to have an account on that computer, plus a password. However, all kinds of files, programmer, $$$$, graphic, and even sounds are available to be copied without restriction. There are two main ways to use FTP:
Non-anonymously – Account with a user ID and password, which gives more privileges than with anonymous access, is set up.
Anonymous – instead of setting up an account one simply calls his self anonymous and uses the e-mail address as a pass word.
Email is also one of the methods to send $$$$$$$$s however it would not be appropriate to send large $$$$$$$$s through e-mail. Information is not available from any other source; such as photographs of NASA may be available using the FTP. Something that one would get any other way, such as photographs of NASA or games software, etc. or maybe even the user does not know what they want but knowing all the free FTP out there they just want a look around and download things.
4- Newsgroup
A newsgroup is an informal network of computers that allow the posting and reading of messages on specific topics. Discussions cover almost any subject etc herbal remedies or Chinese politics it is possible to find entire groups who share the same interest and have something to say about it. Today there are more than 10,000 newsgroups; all of them offer conversations and some offer files to download.
The best way to get started in using newsgroups is to read the posted massage in one’s chosen subject. This is called “lurking” enable the “lurker” can assess the group before tacking part.
Regular newsgroups users have developed there own personal shorthand and this maybe confusing to a first time user at first glance e.g.
BTW – by the way
LOL – laugh out loud
ROFL – rolling on the floor laughing
IMHO – in my humble opinion
SUL – see you later
TTFN – Ta Ta for now
ASAP – as soon as possible
5- Chat Rooms
Direct communication with people all over the world is the main purpose of chat room. Chat can be used for many things such as entertainment, to get information from other users, etc. People get to know each other online and talk about everyday life and various other subjects.
People can use chat rooms direct on the Internet and talk to hundreds of people who are in the same place, this way getting to meet new people. Another way to chat is to download an Instant Message service (IM), such as:
Advantages Of The Internet
1- The Internet is one of the biggest information sources. It makes it easy and fast to find whatever subject you are looking for just by going to any of the search web sites and write your subject and press search.
2- The Internet is one of the fastest ways to communicate for example you can do Shopping through the internet while you are surfing the net. For the more if somebody looking to have holiday some where in the world, it could be easily to book the tickets, the hotels and rent a car, by using the internet at your home.
3- The internet can by use as an entertainment way, by downloading games, music, movies and programs. Chat programs are one of the entertainment ways in the net. It can makes friends and met new people from different places in the world using chatting programs.
Disadvantages Of The Internet
1- The most famous disadvantage of the internet is the hacking and virus programs. If the pc catches any of these programs damage will happen in your pc hardware. Then it might lose any personal information were saved in the computer.
2- There is no control on some sites because some of unsuitable material it difficult to control how enters these sites if they are underage or adults because these sites shows materials not allowed to be seen by underage.
Research on the Internet highlights the main danger of the internet as being chat rooms. The internet with all its diverse information and its concept of one-to-many communication and global contacts, a wonderful resource however it also holds many hidden dangers, which if not discussed with children, can lead to horrendous consequences
Various methods of making children more aware of the dangers of chat rooms are available. Parents should take more interest in what their children are doing when they are online, as well as keeping themselves informed about the internet and computers in general. Filters are a good example of how parents can control what they children get up to online example net nanny and $$$$$ sitter.
However the Internet remain one of the most important sources of obtain the information.
الدرس الأول : اللغة العربية . ( ص 138 )
فكر . (ص 140 )
• ما وجه الدلالة في مجموع الآيات التي استدل بها الإمام الشافعي على أفضلية العربية على سائر اللغات ؟
– لأنها لغة القرآن الكريم خاتم الكتب السماوية و كلها تبع له , وجميع اللغات تبع للغته .
• استدل الإمام الشافعي على أفضلية اللغة العربية بربطها بأفضلية أمور أخرى .
فما هي ؟
1- كل لسان تبع للسان القرآن و لغته .
2- على كل أهل دين إتباع دين محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .
حلل و انقد :
من خلال مجموعتك الطلابية , رد على الحجة بإنشائك وأسلوبك , مستفيدا من الأدلة السابقة ومن الأفكار التالية :
* ما من فعل إلا و له حكمة .
* القرآن ليس فيه تعاليم و أوامر فقط .
* اللغة العربية أميز اللغات .
– عندما اختار الله اللغة العربية لغة للقرآن اختارها لحكمة بليغة توجد هذه اللغة و لا توجد في غيرها .
– من الحكمة أن تكون اللغة العربية لغة القرآن لأنها لغة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم و لغة قومه .
– تمتاز اللغة العربية بصفات من الفصاحة والبيان والبلاغة و البديع لا توجد في غيرها من اللغات
– عجز العرب عن الإتيان بمثل هذا القرآن حين تحداهم رغم ما بلغوه من شأو عظيم في الفصاحة والبلاغة .
ناقش : ( ص 142 )
قال الله تعالى " إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء "
– وضح معنى الآية عند قراءتها بالشكل الصحيح و معناها عند قراءتها بالشكل الخطأ مبينا ذلك من الناحية اللغوية
– القراءة بالشكل الصحيح :أكثر الناس خشية لله هم العلماء .
– القراءة بالشكل الخطأ : أن الله عز وجل يخشى العلماء .
قوله تعالى : " أن الله بريء من المشركين و رسوله "
• وضح معنى الآية عند قراءتها بالشكل الصحيح و معناها عند قراءتها بالشكل الخطأ .
– القراءة بالشكل الصحيح (بضم اللام ) : براءة الله و رسوله من المشركين .
– القراءة بالشكل الخطأ ( بكسر اللام ): أن الله بريء من المشركين و بريء من رسوله .
فكر :
( ص 143 )
• اذكر بعض العبادات التي تعتمد على اللغة العربية اعتمادا كليا لأدائها على الوجه الصحيح .
– الصلاة – قراءة القرآن – الأدعية المخصوصة ( كدعاء الاستخارة و التلبية ) .
• ما أثر القرآن في اللغة العربية ؟
– ثبات اللغة العربية ومنع تراجعها و تقهقرها .
– إثراؤها بأرقى الأساليب الفنية و أصفى الصياغات اللغوية .
• وضح ( ص 144 )
من خلال مجموعتك الطلابية وضح آثارا أخرى للقرآن الكريم في اللغة العربية ….
– تعلم العربية لفهم الألفاظ في القرآن و الحديث .
– بقاء أشعار العرب .
• الأسئلة ( ص 145 ) . للحوار و المناقشة .
• فكر وأجب : ( ص 147 ) .
– من خلال مجموعتك الطلابية اضرب أمثلة لدول أخرى تطورت مع أنها تعتمد على لغتها الوطنية .
– كوريا , اليونان , فنلندا , الدانمرك , الصين .
• الحجة الخامسة : ( ص 148 ) .
– من خلال مجموعتك الطلابية استنتج أهم الآثار السلبية للاعتراض السابق .
– ( للمناقشة والحوار ) .
• عدد : ( ص 150 ) .
– من خلال مجموعتك الطلابية , عدد الأدوار التي يمكن للطالب أن يقوم بها لتعزيز مكانة اللغة العربية في المدرسة والبيت والمجتمع .
– 1- الإذاعة المدرسية .
– 2- الأنشطة الطلابية .
– 3- المشاركة في المسابقات والبحوث .
– 4- المشاركة في فعاليات المجتمع وأنشطته .
التقويم ( ص 151 ) .
-1 ما الحد الذي يلزم عامة المسلمين غير العرب تعلمه من اللغة العربية ؟
– ما يمكنه من أداء واجباته الشرعية : الصلاة والذكر فيها و التسبيح وقراءة القرآن .
-2 وضح الفرق بين الترجمتين .
– ترجمة القرآن مستحيلة .
– ترجمة معاني القرآن فهي واردة .
• بين سبب حرمة ترجمة القرآن , وجواز ترجمة معاني القرآن .
– ترجمة كلمات القرآن محرمة , لأن ذلك يفقدها الإعجاز والبلاغة والبيان والتحدي .
– لكن يجب يجب تمكين المسلمين من غير العرب فهم معاني القرآن بترجمتها إلى لغاتهم
أعتذر عن أي تقصير
نبدأ …
في المرفقات +_+
يتبع +___#
تقرير , Report on Healthy_children لمادة اللغة الإنجليزيه الصف الثاني عشر 12
تقرير , Report on Healthy_children لمادة اللغة الإنجليزيه الصف الثاني عشر 12
تقرير , Report on Healthy_children لمادة اللغة الإنجليزيه الصف الثاني عشر 12
.~ صنع يدي .~
تجدونه في المرفقات
وزارة التربية والتعليم
إدارة التقويم والامتحانات
المادة: اللغة الإنجليزية
1121/تمارين تدريبية للصف الثاني عشر للقسمين العلمي والأدبي للعام الدراسي 1122
الفصل الدراسي الثالث
I. Reading (60 marks)
Text 1
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d. (3 marks each question)
Making a backyard mud or clay oven like the “tanoor” is a great
family project, and once completed, you will be able to make
fantastic breads, “harees” or grilled fish. In order to build such an
oven you need sand, mud, firebricks, newspaper and water.
Step 1. To start, you need to mix 1 bucket of clay with 4 buckets of
sand. Then add water to make thick mud. After that, add straw and
mix. Keep adding straw until the mixture is no longer sticky.
Step 2. Make a fireproof base for your oven. A good base is a layer
of rocks. Then lay about 8 inches of mud on top of the rocks. For
the floor, lay 4 inch-thick firebricks on top of the mud.
Step 3. To build the oven, put a pile of sand on top of the firebricks
and add water, as needed, so it will stick together. When it is dome-
shaped, cover it with wet newspaper.
Step 4. Lay about 4 inches of mud on top of the newspaper. Shape
the top of the mud layer inwards as you go up, and press the mud
together tightly. Don’t worry about the doorway. You will cut this
Step 5. When the mud is completely dry, cut a hole where the
doorway will be and start removing the sand as it is easy to take it
away. Stop when you reach the newspaper layer. Remove the rough
edges of the doorway so it becomes smooth and even. The height of
the doorway should be 65% of the height of the oven, so as to allow
enough airflow into the oven.
Step 6. When ready to use, light a big fire in the oven, and let it
burn for a few hours. Sweep out all the ash, wait for about half an
hour and your oven is ready.
1. Step number 1 is about ___________.
a. planning for the project
b. finding the material
c. choosing the location
d. preparing the material
2. Straw should be added to the mud to make the mixture ___________.
a. stickier
b. drier
c. thinner
d. hotter
3. The word lay in step 2 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. take off b. break out
b. move in d. put down
4. The fireproof base of the oven is made of ___________.
a. sand
b. mud
c. rock
d. newspaper
5. The word shape in Step 4 is a/an ___________.
a. adverb
b. verb
c. adjective
d. noun
6. Which of the following affects the airflow in the oven?
a. The height of the doorway
b. The fire in the oven
c. The shape of the doorway
d. The quality of the oven
7. The word ash in Step 6 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. grass
b. wood
c. dust
d. soil
8. Sand is the most suitable material for shaping the dome of the oven because it ___________.
a. can be easily removed
b. is a natural material
c. makes the oven stronger d. is the cheapest material
9. Where does the following sentence best fit?
“For example, if your oven was 20 inches tall, then your door should be about 13 inches tall.”
a. Step 2
b. Step 3
c. Step 4
d. Step 5
10. This text is mainly about ___________ homemade ovens.
a. the advantages of
b. how to cook using
c. the process of making
d. the history of
Text 2
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Imaginary worlds or virtual worlds are computer-based environments. Here you can
create a realistic, digital image of yourself and then interact and socialize with others.
Virtual worlds offer key opportunities for enrichment in the training, education,
medical and business sectors.
For example, in a virtual world, a student who studies design can walk into a room,
put furniture in it and get a real sense of space. The student can also change the
environment with colour and furniture. In many areas, few classroom experiences can
offer the same level of reality.
Just as in the real world, there’s good and bad in virtual worlds. This does not mean
there is no value in experiencing some of the risks of life in an online environment.
Protective behaviour is essential. Learners should know what personal information
not to give out. They should also know how to respond when asked for personal
details. These skills are a must in today’s technological world.
However, there are some ugly aspects to any virtual world. There is a belief that
virtual worlds attract a higher number of criminals than what exists in real life. This
is probably true. This is because there is a risk of coming into contact with unwanted
images or individuals in most interactive online environments. Another aspect is the
high cost. Kids may need to spend much money on decorating their virtual worlds,
because some items like high fashion clothes need to be bought online.
The only way to get away from this is to provide all users with protective strategies,
such as the ability to determine what is right and when to turn the computer off. This
is a role educators must take very seriously.
11. The writer defines a virtual world as a/an ___________ one.
a. criminal
b. imaginary
c. physical
d. protective
12. According to paragraph 2, a design student can ___________ by using virtual worlds.
a. make new friends b. talk to his family
c. create and experiment d. take examinations
13. We can infer from paragraph 3 that the writer ___________.
a. opposes the use of virtual worlds
b. finds no value in facing online risks
c. is against investing in virtual worlds
d. promotes preparing for virtual worlds
14. The opposite of the word personal in paragraph 3 is ___________.
a. private
b. public
c. special
d. interesting
Complete the following table with information from paragraph 4.
Negative Aspects of Virtual Worlds
15. __________________________________________________ ______________.
16. __________________________________________________ ______________.
17. __________________________________________________ ______________.
18. The word interactive in paragraph 4 is a/an ___________.
a. noun
b. adverb
c. verb
d. adjective
19. The word determine in paragraph 5 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. argue
b. ignore
c. decide
d. suspect
20. The purpose of this text is to discuss the ___________ of virtual worlds.
a. development b. background
c. pros and cons d. programming
II. Writing (40 marks)
A. 1. Sentence Writing (15 marks)
Write two simple and three complex / compound sentences about the pictures below.
1. (Simple Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
2. (Simple Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
3. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________
4. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________
5. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________
A.2. Essay Writing (25 marks)
Write an essay of about 200 words discussing the following topic:
Some people prefer to spend their summer holidays in their home countries because it is cheaper and
encourages local tourism. Other people, however, prefer to spend their holidays abroad because they
believe that visiting foreign countries will enrich their experiences and skills.
Discuss the above statement and give specific reasons to support your ideas and views.
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________ _________________________________
Marking Key
Spelling &
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