الصف الثاني عشر

Do You know what is a synthetic analogue of codeine? للصف الثاني عشر

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In recent years, it has been postulated that tramadol, used mainly for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, might display a potential as an antidepressant drug. Buy Tramadol online: Serious potential consequences of overdosage are respiratory depression and seizure.
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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

برجراف what we do bofore go to university للصف الثاني عشر

السلااام عليكم والرحمهـ..

لو سمحتوو بغييت برجراف عن شو اتسووين قبل ما تظهريين البيت عسب اتسيين الكليه وعقب يوم ترجعين البيت..

الي عنده يفيدني لو سمحتوؤوؤو..

اباااه اليووؤوؤم..دخييلكــم…

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

What is the difference between a house and an apartment? -تعليم الامارات

What is the difference between a house and an apartment?

House vs. Apartment

In most cases, a house is owned by the person/people in it. An apartment is rented/leased to those who occupy it. An appartment is managed by a landlord and a house is managed by the person to whom it belongs to. There is major differences in price. Houses can easily cost 3x as much as an apartment! Maintenance is also a big difference. In an apartment, any alteration or remodeling procedure has to be performed, or at least approved by the landlord. On the contrary, you can tear down a wall and paint everything green in your own house! Usually the deal is, before two people get married, they live in an apartment before buying their own house. But it depends on your situation and preferences. Apartments also vary in size, and location too. But most are basic, with a handful of bedrooms and a couple bathrooms in a urban, or suburban area. But they all should be in good condition. Often apartments are unexpectantly inspected, though most of them are found fit, it is very annoying. The unamaginable, simplest things are nessecary or mandatory. Similiar to preparing your home for a newborn, every single adjustment matters.

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

Who, Where, What, Why -تعليم اماراتي

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