الصف العاشر

لو سمحتوا ابغي حل… -تعليم الامارات

لو سمحتوا ابي حل كتاب الإنجليزي اللي مو ملون practice book اليديد..

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن الـ Transport للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ..

تقرير إنقلش عن الترانسبورت , كامل : مقدمة , موضوع , خاتمة , توصيات و مراجع ..
فيه نفحات من تأليفي P: , يعني ما بتحصلون حد مسوي مثله ف الصف X3 ..
إن شا الله مش ناقص ^^


In a physiological sense transport generally means the movement of substances across the membranes of cells.
But at this report you are going to read about one of the technological advancements and scientific achievement that so greatly influence our lifestyle and impact our lives.


Definition of transport

Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Transport is performed by various modes, such as air, rail, road and water. It can be bowered by human, animal put now days it can be powered mechanically. Transport can be owned "Private" or for the verity of people "public".

History of transport:

The first form of transport was, of course, Shank’s pony (the human foot!). However people eventually learned to use animals for transport. Donkeys and horses were probably domesticated between 4,000 and 3,000 BC (obviously the exact date is not known). Camels were domesticated slightly later between 3,000 and 2,000 BC.

Meanwhile about 3,500 BC the wheel was invented in what is now Iraq. At first wheels were made of solid pieces of wood lashed together to form a circle but after 2,000 BC they were made with spokes.
The earliest boats were dug out canoes. People lit a fire on a big log then put it out and dug out the burned wood.

About 3,100 BC the Egyptians invented the sailing boat. They were made of bundles of papyrus reeds tied together. They had simple square sails made of sheets of papyrus or later of linen. However the sail could only be used when sailing in one direction. When traveling against the wind the boat had to be rowed. About 2,700 BC the Egyptians began using wooden ships for trade by sea.

Goods were sometimes transported by pack horse (horses with bags on their sides). Also carriers with covered wagons carried goods and sometimes passengers. However when possible people preferred to transport goods by water. All around England there was a ‘coastal trade’. Goods from one part of the country, such as coal, were taken by sea to other parts.

The thought of flying has been every mankind’s ultimate dream even before airplanes were invented. Before the invention and development, men and women tried to navigate the air by imitating the birds and its wings. They built machines with flapping wings and for some time, the idea worked. However, the flapping wings only worked for a bird-scale than it does at much larger scale to lift man and machine off the ground.

In 1783, few aeronauts discovered the art of uncontrolled flying with air balloons, which harder than expected, it was difficult to navigate and go to one place to the other unless the wind was blowing the desired direction. Until the turn of the 19th century, an English baronet from Yorkshire invented a flying machine with fixed wings, a repulsion system and movable control surface which eventually became the fundamental concept of the airplane. Sir George Cayley built the first true airplane which evolved through time and became the amazing machines that have taken mankind to the edge of space at speed of light.

In 1899, the Wright Brother’s designed their first aircraft, a small biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the aircraft by wing warping; a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircraft’s rolling motion and balance. Over the next three years, Wilbur and Orville Wright would design a series of gliders which would be flown in both unmanned and piloted flights. They went over the earlier works of Cayley, Langley and Otto Lilienthal and soon recognized that the control and navigation would be the most crucial and hardest problem to solve, But at the end they made it.

Forms of transport:

Transport is divided into three forms which are:
1) Land Travel 2) water travel 3) Flight travel.
And I’ll discuss each of them at the coming paragraphs.

Land travel:

A road is an identifiable route, way or path between two or more places. Roads are typically smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel; though they need not be, and historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance. In urban areas roads may pass through a city or village and be named as streets, serving a dual function as urban space easement and route.

The most common road vehicle is the automobile; a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Other users of roads include buses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. As of 2022 there were 590 million automobiles worldwide.

The first forms of road transport were horses, oxen or even humans carrying goods over dirt tracks that often followed game trails. The Roman Empire was in need for armies to be able to travel quickly; they built deep roadbeds of crushed stone as an underlying layer to ensure that they kept dry, as the water would flow out from the crushed stone, instead of becoming mud in clay soils. John Loudon Macadam designed the first modern highways of inexpensive paving material of soil and stone aggregate known as macadam during the Industrial Revolution. Coating of cobblestones and wooden paving were popular during the 19th century while tarmac and concrete paving became popular during the 20th.

Automobiles offer high flexibility and with low capacity, but are deemed with high energy and area use, and the main source of noise and air pollution in cities; buses allow for more efficient travel at the cost of reduced flexibility. Road transport by truck is often the initial and final stage of freight transport.
Water travel:

Ship transport is the process of transport by barge, boat, ship or sailboat over a sea, ocean, lake, canal or river. A watercraft is a vehicle designed to float on and move across (or under) water. The need for buoyancy unites watercraft, and makes the hull a dominant aspect of its construction, maintenance and appearance.

The first craft were probably types of canoes cut out from tree trunks. The colonization of Australia by Indigenous Australians provides indirect but conclusive evidence for the latest date for the invention of ocean-going craft. Early sea transport was accomplished with ships that were either rowed or used the wind for propulsion, or a combination of the two.

In the 1800s the first steam ships were developed, using a steam engine to drive a paddle wheel or propeller to move the ship. The steam was produced using wood or coal. Now most ships have an engine using a slightly refined type of petroleum called bunker fuel. Some specialized ships, such as submarines, use nuclear power to produce the steam. Recreational or educational craft still use wind power, while some smaller craft use internal combustion engines to drive one or more propellers, or in the case of jet boats, an inboard water jet. In shallow draft areas hovercraft are propelled by large pusher-prop fans.
Although slow, modern sea transport is a highly effective method of transporting large quantities of non-perishable goods. Transport by water is significantly less costly than air transport for trans-continental shipping; short sea shipping and ferries remain viable in coastal areas.

Air travel:

Air travel is a form of travel using an airplanes, or a rarely a balloon. People choose this from of travel to travel from country to country, continent to continent, some times for medical emergencies; because this form is the fastest mode of traveling,
You can fly at a private jet, or at your country’s airlines.

The influence of transport on our lives:

Transport is a key necessity for specialization, allowing production and consumption of product to occur at different ways. Transport has throughout history been the gate to expansion; better transport allows more trade and spread of people. Economic growth has always been dependent on increased capacity and more rational transport. But the infrastructure and operation of transport incurs large impact on the land and is the largest drainer of energy, making transport sustainability a major issue.

Modern society dictates a physical distinction between home and work, forcing people to transport themselves to place of work or study, supplemented by the need to temporarily relocate for other daily activities. Passenger transport is also the essence tourism, a mayor part of recreational transport. Commerce needs transport of people to conduct business, either to allow face-to-face communication for important decisions, or to transport specialists from their regular place of work to sites where they are needed. And transport is a major use of energy, burning most of the world’s petroleum; creating air pollution, including nitrous oxides and particulates and being a significant contributor to global warming through emission of carbon dioxide, the fastest growing emission sector. Environmental regulations in developed countries have reduced the individual vehicles emission; this has been offset by an increase in the number of vehicles and more use of each vehicle. Energy use and emissions vary largely between modes, causing environmentalists to call for a transition from air and road to rail and human-powered transport and go to transport electrification and energy efficiency.

By subsector, road transport is the largest contributor to global warming. (74%) Other environmental impacts of transport systems include traffic congestion and automobile-oriented urban sprawl, which can consume natural habitat and agricultural lands. By reducing transportation emissions globally, it is predicted that there will be significant positive effects on earth’s air quality, acid rain, smog, and climate change.


As I said earlier my report discussed the possible ideas about transport, which had two sides a good side and a bad side
Effecting on us and on our environment.
I hope that my report helped you realizing and understanding more about transport.


– I recommend people to reduce using private forms of transport as possible as they can.
– I recommend all the people of my country to try creating a new ways of travel on each form.
– I recommend you to share the school library with a copy of my report.




– Transporting by: Arthur Johns.

إدعوا لي بكل خير -.-"

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

paragraphe about Nile river and Amazon River للصف العاشر

Write a paragraph about the Nile river and Amazon River …..
The Nile river is in Egypt . The Nile river is in Africa continent . Nile River is the longest 6,671 kilometers ( 4,145 mile ) long . the Nile flows through the desert , from sudan into Egypt . The delta of Nile is the large delta into Mediterran sea pyramids are an example of historical site in Egypt . river in the world . It is
The Amazon River is in South Amerca , the Amazon is the widest river in the world . it is 6,449 Kilometers ( 4,007 miles ) . the Amazon is between six and ten Kilometers wide . The water flows from the Amazon into the ocan .
This is my paragraph about Nile River , Amazon River .

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

حل صفحة 2..3..practice book للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

الصفحة 2

السؤال الاول

3.twenty first
7.hild thild-fifth
10.to wehby fifby

السؤال 2

1- this is my fourteenth birthday
2- I,m the first child in my family
3- In school activities I,m always the first
4- I sit In the second raw of my class

الصفحة 3

السؤال الأول

3-the smallest
4-the coldest

السؤال الثاني

4-more intelligent
6-more intesting

للامانة منقول..وماعرف اذا الاجابات صحيحة او لا..><

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

Revision Papers For The Final /للصف العاشر / اللغة الانجليزية للصف العاشر

في المرفقاااااات

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

Volunteering.. -للتعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,


Keen communities positive and civilized and informed consent to live in a city in all aspects of her system ambition to ensure their named a special and through fruitful cooperation, including by making a space and pressing strategic establishment of social institutions of civil and keen to give these institutions a great deal of her time on the success of Musharaha civilization
between taking advantage of the efficiency of each individual is he should have plenty of time spend to maintain the great family of the community.

Hence, I took these communities in making positive culture of voluntary service and to provide everything that serves the volunteer work and the resulting benefit to the largest segment of the community as well as a real investment to tack offshore competencies and highlighted at the collective level.

The concept of volunteerism:

The concept of volunteering include humanitarian efforts, making members of the community, individually or collectively, based primarily on the desire and self-motivation, whether this motivation consciously or subconsciously does not aim volunteer to return for money or profit in particular, but gain a sense of belonging to society and to take some responsibilities that contribute to the pressing social needs or the cause of the issues plaguing the society is defended primarily motivated development in all its economically and politically, socially and culturally, is vivid testimony to the vitality of society and translate the feelings of belonging and loyalty to the homeland to reality and invest the time young people in the work of a noble, as well as to strengthen the social ties and reduce disparities among class members of society.

Who is the volunteer?

Is a person trying to help the positive in any field can be accomplished by an action and seek cooperation with members of the community for the betterment of a better life that would offer and fill the need

Constructive role and volunteer work.

The volunteer work is important to the most prominent role in the community’s confidence in the positive view of the effects of social very important and that takes a community to the advancement and progress, prosperity, and that including Evsha volunteering opportunities for cooperation between members of the community and fosters in the individual case of respect for others and appreciation of the useful work and tender, adding that give volunteers field experiences and management in charitable work and allow them the opportunity to train to participate in the work and participation in decision-making, is also a work means the value of an ideal which gives one a sense of satisfaction and belonging and to contribute to overcoming many of the diseases of this age such as depression and feelings of isolation and social and psychological stress.

Mechanisms voluntary work

The meditator finds volunteer work is subject to the satisfaction of individual and how he Palmswlip degree basis to work, volunteer and it, therefore there must be people interested in setting up a mechanism to secure this conviction and in the following manner:

First: to communicate the declaration on volunteering, especially when linked to the question of comprehensive development, economically, politically, socially, culturally and advocacy, including the need arises.

Second: raising the efficiency of the letter to an invitation to him to minimize the role of the Alamadafeen discouraged and cast doubts on its usefulness and relevance.

Third: Determine the required number of work and explain the type of work and efficiency needed to ensure its non-prosecution or social.

Fourth: The right to choose the key role in the development of workflow easily and smoothly away from the inconsistencies and blunders that build on the visions and flimsy been frustrating and the deviation of the target.

Fifth: It is important is to train volunteers and rehabilitation of the nature of the tasks entrusted to them and deepen their experience sharing them with their predecessors and acquire new skills, improve performance.

Organization and motivation
Regulation has been the volunteer work is a source of strength when faced with volunteer obstacles and difficulties which impede the continuity, which may lead him to resort to methods more ad hoc and ill-considered complexity of the work by adopting a hierarchy foundation, decision making, or Shura Council is far from selfish and thought of monogamy.

Also plays a catalytic major role in keeping the volunteer and make as much as he has made to the service to work with all the dedication and devotion and tirelessly by his participation in the decision-making and interviewing him with full transparency and clarity, and thanked him for all completed and announced the hearing of his fellow volunteers and grant letters of thanks and appreciation between now and then .

And monitoring and evaluation
Volunteering is a great sensitivity that is almost beyond all the work in terms of yield and actual output and the success of failure of the consequent shock to either volunteer or for society as a result of any failure, God forbid.

So had to supervisors administrative tenure follow-up gestures to work regularly and opinions and evaluated through meetings progress reports were prepared and periodically to allow the volunteers to discuss the requirements of the period and their satisfaction and the achievement realized or not and what are the obstacles that may have encountered and ways of removing them.

The commitment commitments and hard work and effective integration of volunteer service is a requirement is necessary and urgent in order to gain the confidence of society with his children and development as required and when the success of this commitment to loyalty away from the exploitation of interest or personal involve it in a disability help to paralyze their movement and loss of confidence in them as a service-care community.


لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

(بورب ينت جاهز) للصف العاشر

For and since
“when…?” And “how long…?”

The use(1):
We use “for” and “since” to say how long something has been happening.
•We use “for”+a period of time (three hours, two weeks etc.):
•I’ve been waiting for two hours
• * * * * *|–for 2 hours–|
•-Two hours ago--now-
•For…: two hours, along time, 20 minutes
•Example: “Sally has been working here for 3 months.”(not since 3 months).
•We use “since”+the start of a period(8 o’clock, Monday, 1999 etc.):
•I’ve been waiting since 2:30.
• * *|–since 2:30–|
•Since…: April, 8 o’clock , * I got up…etc.
•Example: “I haven’t seen tom since Monday”(not for Monday).
جاري التحميل…
The use(2):
•Conditions: you may leave without “for” (but not usually in negative sentences):
•They’ve been married (for) ten years. (with or without for)
•They haven’t had a holiday for ten years. (you must use for).
•We do not use for+ all…(all day/all my life etc.):
•I’ve lived here all my life. (not for all my life).
when…?(+past simple) and
how long…?(+present perfect)
•A: When did it start raining?
•B: It started raining an hour ago/at 1 o’clock.
•A: How long has it been raining?
•B: It’s been raining for an hour / since 1 o’clock.
جاري التحميل…

•A: When did Joe and Carol first meet?
•B: They first met {a long time ago.}{when they were at school.}
•A: How long have they known each other?
•B: They’ve known each other {for along time.}{since they were at school.}
“We can say…:”
•We say ‘It’s (a long time/two years etc.) since something happened:
•It’s two years since I last saw Joe.
•(= I haven’t seen Joe for two years)
•You can ask ‘How long is it since…?’:
•How long is it since you last saw Joe?
•(= when did you last see Joe? )
•You can also say ‘it’s been (= It has been) …since…’:
•It‘s been two years since I last saw Joe.
Exercises: (1)
•-Write for or since:
•1. It’s been raining since *lunchtime.
•2. Sarah *has lived in Paris ………….. 1995.
•3. Paul has lived in London …………… ten years.
•4. I haven’t been to a party …………… ages.
•5.Kevin has been looking for a job ….…… he left school.
•-Write questions with how long and when:
•1. It’s raining.
•(how long?)
•“ How long has it been raining?”
•“when did it start raining?”
•2.Kate is learning Japanese.
•(How long/ learn?)
•(when/ start?)
•3. Rebecca and David are married.
•(how *long?)
Exercises: (2)
•Select the right answer:
•The beaver has been an emblem of Canada ________ many years.
– *since
– *for
•Jo has been a student here ________ March.
– since
– for
•Maya has been a professional singer ________ 1989.
– since
– for
exercise: (3)
•First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle ________ hundreds of years.
A. since
B. *for
•So far, it has rained ________ five hours.
D. for
•Cougars have almost disappeared from the Victoria area ________ humans settled here.
E. since
F. for
exercise: (4)
•The Canadian two-dollar coin (or toonie) has been in circulation ________ 1996.
A. since
B. *for
•Mary has kept a diary ________ she was ten years old.
C. since
D. *for
•They’ve been married ________ twenty-five years.
E. since
F.* for
جاري التحميل…
exercise: (5)
•First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle ________ hundreds of years. *
A. since
B.* for
•I haven’t been snowboarding ________ last winter.
C. since
D.* for
Which is correct?
•FOR or SINCE …*** Which is correct?
•[]*for* []*since**|*** eleven years
•[]*for* []*since *|****ages
•[]*for* []*since *| ***nine thirty
•[]*for* []*since *|****a really long time
Which is correct?…(2)
•[]*for* []*since *|we found the money
•[]*for* []*since *|*Easter Sunday
•[]*for* []*since *|*ten seconds
•[]*for* []*since *|* a minute
Put in the right word!

vI’ve been living in*New York *______**1 year.
vI haven’t seen you ______**a week.
vI have been waiting ______ 12:30.
vI’ve lived here ______ 5 years.
vI’ve lived here ______ 2022.
Put in the right word!(2)

v______she came here I’ve been very nervous.
vShe has been married ______ ten years.
vShe has been married ______ 1998.
vI have been living in Valencia ______last June.
vI haven’t seen you ______ last week.
Put in the right word!(3)

vYesterday I studied ______ three hours.
vShe has been studying English ______ two months.
vShe has been studying French ______ last January.
vShe has been studying Japanese ______ 12:00.
vShe has been studying Arabic ______birthday.
Put in the right word!(4)

vShe has been waiting you______ two hours.
vShe has been living here ______ a long time.
vI’ve been working here ______two years.
vI have loved you ______ the first time I saw you.
•The lesson: (animations & sentences) *
“-Mohammed Rahmani”
•Exercises: (1)animations:
•“-Mahmoud Jassem”
•“-Mohammed Rahmani”
•“-Mohammed Talal”

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

بحث بالانجليزي عن الشيخ زايد رحمة الله عليه للصف العاشر

شباب هذا بحث عن والدنا الشيخ زايد رحمه الله واسكنه فسيح جناته
البحث في المرفقات لا تنسو الردووود

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

Dubai Shopping Festival للصف العاشر

Dubai Shopping Festival

Every year, The Dubai Shopping Festival lives up to its promise of staging the most exciting activities for the whole family inspired by the theme One World, One Family, One Festival. As universal brotherhood, happiness, excitement, joy and adventure became the signature trademarks of Dubai Shopping Festival, the Festival itself has become a tribute to the inherent ambition and strength of the people of the United Arab Emirates.
The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF), known in Arabic as ‘Layali Dubai’, was first started in February 1996 by the Dubai government as purely a retail event aimed to promote trade in Dubai. Since then it has become an annual shopping, entertainment, and cultural extravaganza that continues to promote tourism in Dubai and draws people from around the world each year.

The festival shopping event lasts for one month and its slogan is ‘One Family, One World, One Festival’, but the festival is also called ‘Where the celebrations last a month and the memories, a lifetime’ and ‘The world’s best brands at the world’s lowest prices’. Due to the continous success of the DSF, a number of the world’s best brands have labeled Dubai, the shopping capital of the Middle East.

The Global Village
During the Dubai Shopping Festival exciting activities for the entire family go on throughout the various areas of Dubai. The main focal point of the festival is the Global Village, as it is where the international community gather together to display their culture and heritage through exhibitions of traditional handicrafts, clothing, music, and dance. It has been hosted near the Garhood Bridge for a number of years, but has moved to its permenant place in Dubai Land, in time for the Dubai Shopping Festival 2022. This new ******** is said to be more ideally positioned, as it is intended to be easily accessible to people who would be visiting from the nearby emirates of Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. It is open daily from 4pm to midnight during the shopping festival and for a ******** map of its new ******** on Emirates Road, click here.

Carpet Oasis
One of the popular shopping spots during the Dubai Shopping Festival is the Carpet Oasis. The exhibition showcases thousands of unique, exclusive, handmade, oriental and persian carpets and rugs from around the globe, all under one roof. The Carpet Oasis also offers visitors a large collection of antique souvenirs and is regularly hosted at the Dubai Airport Expo, but is hosted at the Dubai World Trade Center for the DSF 2022.

Shopping and Accomodations
Other popular shopping areas include all the 40+ Dubai shopping malls and if you are interested in bargaining for prices, than the souqs (tradition open air markets) are the right place for you. Over 2,300 retail outlets participate in the Dubai Shopping Festival, offering goods and services ranging from gold, jewellery, electronics, cars, cosmetics, textiles, and handicrafts, at big cash discounts. Travel and tourism companies also offer discounted flights and excursions for those wishing to visit Dubai during the festival. Over 300 hotels in Dubai also participate in the festival by offering deals for hotel accomodations.

Along with all of the shopping outlets, the Dubai Shopping Festival offers a variety of entertainment events, many of which are hosted at the various Dubai public parks. The most popular of these entertainment events include the nightly fireworks, laser/light shows, fashion shows, and music concerts. Some of the most famous Arabic entertainers come and perform during the festival, including Kazim Al Sahir, Nawal Al Zugby, Amr Diab, Milhim Barakat, Asala, Fadl Shaker, Najwa Karam, and Diana Haddad. Another popular event which began in DSF 2022, is the three-day Dubai International Jazz Festival.

Raffles and Awards
The festival also has daily raffle draws, with prizes of money, gold, Lexus cars, or Nissan Patrols. Some of these raffle draw require that you purchase a raffle ticket or else a raffle coupon is given for free after a customer purchases a minimum of gold or dirhams worth of goods at participating outlets. In addition to the raffles, the DSF has started an award ceremony for the Ideal Arab Mother and Ideal Family Awards, where the winnings will receive a prize of US$ 10,000.

Many multi-national companies like Visa and Pepsi sponsor the Dubai Shopping Festival. Emirates Airlines also is a key sponsor of the event, being the official carrier offering discount fares and extra baggage allowance. The festival is a co-operation between the public (government) and private sector of Dubai.

During the Dubai Shopping Festival, visas are easily obtainable at the Dubai International Airport, but most of the visa requirements are still applicable. The DSF has been yearly scheduled from January to February, in order to coincide with the Dubai Desert Classic (golf) and the Dubai World Cup (horse racing).



لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن Basketball , sport in UAE للصف العاشر

السلامــ عليكمـ

أخواني طالبنكم تقرير بالإنجلش عن الرياضه
ياليت لي يقدر يسااااااعد ما يبخل عليه

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده