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تقرير عن الأعراس في الامارات , WEDDINGS IN THE U.A.E -للتعليم الاماراتي


The wedding in the UAE consider as an important tradition of the culture.
And this tradition developed from the past to present in many ways. We can notice this changing in bride’s preparation for her wedding, groom preparation and traditional music.

Bride’s preparation in the past it was simple, but now get more complicated and difficult. Bride’s preparation for her wedding in the past was really simple it’s only contains henna and sorts of traditional oils and perfumes from head to toe. These days the preparation of wedding specially the bride costs much than before. The most effective factor in high price of wedding is the jewelry and Addahbia. Anther factor which it is the party of wedding if it in tent it will cost much money, but in hotel is much better to make the party. In the UAE most people like doing their party of wedding in tent which cost much. In the past the party only contains family member, but these days they expand the invitation

The celebrating of wedding in the past took one week before the wedding night and one of the celebrating is the henna night or Laylat Al Henna which is a very special night for the bride since it is a ladies’ night only. The henna night is a time for all the bride’s sisters, female family members, and girlfriends to get together and sing and dance. In the present it takes less than week and some time it takes only one day which is wedding day.

The groom preparation in the past was simple and these days it consider simple if we compare it with bride preparation.
Traditional music in wedding is playing a big role in our culture. In the past the traditional music continuous singing, and dancing take place reflecting the joy shared by the bride’s and the groom’s family. Nowadays, we depend in DJ music, but we still kept the traditional of dancing special in man’s celebrating.

Another traditional element of the UAE customs is the Arabian Kohl or eyeliner. Nowadays, we can see the make-up with different colors.
In the wedding night the bride wear a simple dress, nowadays, the bride wear a white wedding dress which expensive depending on it style.

We can see how different the wedding dress form the past till Nowadays.

In the past the food was simple and contain from traditional types of food like harees, freed and rice and meat. Nowadays, there is unlimited type of food and drink we see it in wedding night. Cake is important in wedding these days. In the past was rice and meat the important of wedding night.

In conclusion, there is a big different in wedding in the past from present in all ways. The difference from the past in bride and groom preparation mostly. In the past the wedding cost nothing comparing nowadays. All these stuff make marrying in the UAE so difficult and led man’s marrying outside the country.

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بحث Weddings in the U.A.E الصف الثاني عشر

ان شاااااااااااء الله تستفييوووون

Weddings in the U.A.E


Weddings in the U.A.E are unique. They have their own costumes, traditions, and style. Something in common in the past and the present, most men mary the brides traditionally as in marrying who their mothers chose. Men have to pay dowrys and pay for the whole wedding and have to provide the jewelry too.
Men mainly get married traditionally to the woman whom their mothers choose. When a man wants to marry a certain woman he goes to her parents to propose and the parents now a days tend to exaggerate with their demands. The groom has to pay a dowry for the brides cloths and belongings that is needed to get married a side from the expenses of the wedding and has to provide jewelry too. The weddings are separate as in two from every thing. They have to reserve two ball rooms, and two bands to play in the man and women’s party. Weddings these days are very glamorous and alluring. Some weddings actually would literally blow your mind away because some of people set a theme for a party and design the whole wedding on that theme and even their own dresses. Some people actually do some bizarre things like having animals in the wedding or having an artificial waterfalls. They cost a lot of money and they take a lot of time preparing and organizing them.

Expensive weddings

Personally I think that expensive weddings don’t have any advantages. The only advantage that I can think of is that the weddings would probably be unforgettable and very special and glamorous. The downside of it and the thing that concerns me the most is the debt young people start their lives with. Mostly people who take loans from other people end up in jail because they cant pay them back that large amount of money. The other disadvantages are young Emirate’s get married secretly without the knowledge of their parents to who ever the can find. Emirate women are staying home not getting married because of this problem. The other issue is that Emirate men getting married to foreign women with the knowledge of their parents just to avoid the falling into debt or paying that amount of money.

Wedding in the past

In the past weddings were very simple and very public. They lasted for several days and the whole community would participate in them. Dowrys back then cost Dhs60 and sometimes even Dhs40 would pay for the whole wedding. The brides wedding dress was hand sewn by her mother and the neighbors women also helped in a near by tent. They used to sing old songs about happiness and love. Dresses were very colorful at those days and it took them several days to get the wedding dress ready. And the women had a chance to visit, chat, sing, help and bond with each other. After getting the wedding dress ready and the other dresses the women perfume them and store them in an old traditional wooden trunk. The men also wear something called a kandorah which is custom made especially for him in some beautiful colors. Henna is my favorite part of all weddings. The women use very creative designs and even sometimes mix two colors of henna, which are black, and brown which makes the henna looks even better. Back then even men wore henna. The grooms family are always responsible for preparing a place for the bride and groom to stay in and call it a home. The mother of the groom even makes a cradle so that when the couple have their first baby the cradle is already set. Food is the important event in the weddings a lot of people rate the weddings by the food. In the past families got together to make the large amount of rice and meat that were served at the wedding. Back then there were no ball rooms or hotels like now and the houses were too small to make a party in. Tent and the outdoors were the only ways they celebrated weddings and both men and women attended them they sang and danced happily.

Wedding in the present

At the present not all wedding are expensive. Some people prefer the weddings to be simple but elegant in the same time. Not all people are willing to pay the great amount of money some people pay for an unforgettable wedding. In my point of view these weddings are the best because every one is happy the groom is not in debt and the bride got her self a very beautiful dress and a very elegant wedding. But certainly not all people think logically some people just want to look good in front of their families and relatives. So they organize and prepare the best and the most expensive things just to brag in the wedding. The stage has to be in a certain length and width, the tables center pieces has to be pure crystal imported from Finland, the flowers has to be in certain colors to match the brides gown and the food has to be cooked by the best chef they could find. These demands are a very small part of a list that has to be done just to make the wedding be an event


Marriage fund

In the U.A.E we have a marriage fund which is very amazing and I really admire the person who thought about that. With that fund young people get married easily with no fear of debts or marrying someone they don’t want to get married to. That’s one part of the solutions we can think of to prevent expensive weddings, foreign marriages and debts. The other part which I also really like is group marriages they are very fun and helps people bond and be happy for each other and celebrate together. In march 2022, 376 couples got married in one day. Some great ideas that people come up with to prevent marriage related problems to occur.


At the end as I see, the wedding in the past is batter. It was easy and simple. Also I advice the people be easy and simple withe a life.


ZAWAJ.COM: Wedding Customs Around the World




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