الصف الثاني عشر

تقــرير عن Stress للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Stress: Everybody knows what stress is. Stress is an integral part of our urban
lifestyle. It has become a normal part of life, although it is generally known
that stress is bad for health. But, doesn’t stress also have advantages? Is
stress the same as burden?
What is stress?: First of all we want to make clear what exactly stress is. The body’s adaptive response to abnormal circumstances (like threats or demands) from a new or changing situation is called stress. The term "stress" refers both to certain heightened mental and body states and to the causes of such states.
Nowadays the symptoms of stress are well known. When the human body is under stress (whether it is real or imaginary) Adrenaline is poured into the
bloodstream. As a result of that the pulse quickens, the blood pressure raises
and the muscle tension increases. Furthermore you may feel more criticized by others, become more pessimistic, cynical, or resentful than usual. Things you normally look forward to may seem like a burden.
A lot of people are not aware of being under stress. Some are frequently under so much stress that they assume the feeling is normal.
Pros: By hearing the word "stress" most people think of something unpleasant and bad. But that is only conditionally true. Stress has also several positive aspects:
A lot of people (students!) take stress as a replacement for self-discipline.
They just can’t start working without time-pressure. They need to know a
certain date when they must finish their work.. (like students before a test)
It is known, that people work better, faster and more effective under stress.
There are people, who are even more creative under stress! This is because of the height Adrenaline ******* into your bloodstream.
Stress is said to be the best sport doping (Adrenaline). During a sport
activity, Stress encourages and raises the attention / strength. Under stress
the human body is able to do better to do better physical achievements.
Last but not least, some producers of stress (such as physical exercise,
various emotional states, and creative activity) are usually very healthy! But
be careful, continuous high levels of stress are not.
Contras: On the other hand, stress has much more disadvantages than advantages.
Stress is bad for your health! A lot of people react to stress with
aggressiveness, competitiveness, and self-imposed pressure to get things done. This behavior has been linked to increased rates of heart attack, high blood pressure and other diseases. Stress can also affect the immune system, causing the body to be less resistant to a wide range of other health problems.
Most people can’t think clear under stress. They make false decision and work superficial (slapdash). Stress causes reduced concentration ability.
Stress doesn’t only affect you; it also has an effect on your environment. If
you’re under stress and nervous, your (school/work) friends automatically become like you. A stressed person has a bad influence on the work/school atmosphere. A lot of friendships have broken down because of excessive stress.
It is said, that stress is the most common "illness" at the moment. I am not
of the same opinion. As I look at it, everybody reacts different to stress.
While some people become aggressive and nervous, other people may be equally serious in their intentions, but are more patient. So, it is not possible to say, whether stress is good or bad. It just depends on the person.
Furthermore I think that stress is unavoidable nowadays. But if you’re once
under stress, try to manage it the best possible. Why not making stress work for you as a source of energy? Better you use your energies by being creative than wasting them by getting furious.
Signs of Stress: In researching stress, one would learn about what stress is, the early warning signs of stress, the different types of stress, and how to build resistance to it. Stress is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional feelings that result from pressure, worry, and anxiety.
The pressures from stress are called stressors. Some examples of common stressors are: divorce, death in the family, job change, pregnancy, a large mortgage, marriage, and retirement. "In medicine, stress is, a physical, chemical, or emotional development that causes strains that can lead to physical illness." (Microsoft Encarta)
Some of the most common symptoms of stress are emotional distress, muscular problems, and stomach problems. Emotional distress includes anger, irritability, and anxiety. Muscular problems such as tension headaches, upper and lower back pain, and jaw pain (TMJ), are symptoms of stress. Muscular tensions that lead to pulled muscles and tendon and ligament problems, are symptoms of stress as well. Other symptoms of stress are stomach, gut and bowel problems. Heartburn, acid stomach, ulcers, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome are examples of these problems. Symptoms like cold hands or feet, shortness of breath, and chest pain are also common.
The early warning signs of stress include apathy, anxiety, irritability, mental fatigue, and overcompensation or denial. What is stressful for one person, may or may not be stressful for another; each person responds to stress in a different way. A person can plan their life so that stress doesn’t overwhelm them. Managed stress makes people productive and happy.
There are four types of stress. There is acute stress, episodic acute stress, chronic stress, and traumatic stress. Each type of stress has its own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatments.
Acute stress is the common type of stress. Acute stress is exciting and thrilling in small amount, but too much is exhausting. Overdoing it on acute stress can lead to psychological distress, tension headaches, upset stomach, and other symptoms. Some examples of stressors that can cause acute stress are: an auto accident that crumpled the car fender; a child’s occasional problems at school; and so on. Acute stress doesn’t have enough time to do extensive damage that is associated with long-term stress.
Episodic Acute stress is what people who suffer from acute stress frequently have. These people’s lives are so disorderly that they are constantly in a state of chaos and crisis. There are always in a hurry, but they are always late. Another form of episodic acute stress comes from no-stop worry. These people tend to be over aroused and tense. The symptoms of episodic acute stress are the symptoms of extended over arousal: persistent tension headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain, and heart disease. Suffers are usually very resistant to change of any kind. Acute stress can come up in anyone’s life but it is highly treatable and manageable.
A more serious type of stress is chronic stress. "Chronic stress is the grinding stress that wears people away day after day, year after year." (Battison, 1997 p. 19) It destroys minds, bodies, and lives. Chronic stress comes when a person doesn’t see a way out of a miserable situation.

The worst part of chronic stress is that people get used to it and forget that it’s there. Chronic stress kills by means of suicide, violence, heart attack, stroke, and perhaps, even cancer. The symptoms of chronic stress are hard to treat and could require a lot of medical and behavioral treatment, therapy, and stress management
Traumatic stress is a special kind of chronic stress, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is caused by trauma that is not handled correctly. Some example of traumatic experiences are: accidents, rape, verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, being in the presence of extreme violence, a brush with death, natural disasters, death of a loved one, and imprisonment. The symptoms of PTSD are flashbacks, over arousal, emotional numbness or loss of feeling, along with extreme emotional outbursts to minor things. People with PTSD suffer from problems with concentration, controlling impulses, and decision making, The long term consequences of PTSD are depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, multiple personality disorder, and suicide.
There are three basic strategies for dealing with stress. The first strategy is altering situations to make them less stressful. Avoiding stressful situations is the next strategy. Accepting stressful situations is the other basic strategy in dealing with stress at the source. Each strategy has it’s disadvantages and it’s advantages. It’s up to every person to decide which one to use with which situation. "The tougher a person’s resistance to stress is, the more stress they can take." (Hanson, 1985 p.52)
There is a lot a person can do to maximize their resistance to stress. People have resources to help them handle stress. The re resources include family and financial resources, social and spiritual resources, as well as personal resources. They can also develop good health habits and get rid of bad health habits to help build up a resistance to stress. Improving a person’s nutritional habits makes them much less susceptible to stress.
Stress is something that everyone takes on in their day to day lives. It is a part of our daily routines and sometimes builds up to the point where we think it is unbearable. There are many things that cause stress, yet at the same time there are many things that help us relieve it. Stress can cause physical as well as emotional illnesses but it has also been proven that too little stress can be harmful as well. There are many different ways of handling stress. Some are for the goodness of one’s physical well being where as some are for one’s emotional well being. There are even some that help with both. All in all stress seems to occur depending on one9s perception of events, people, and daily things for stress occurs on different occasions for different people.


• Adams, J.D. Understanding and Managing Stress, San Diego: University Associates. Kalat, J.W. (1993).
• Pfeifer, J.E., and Ogloff, J.R.P. Making the Grade: Strategies for Succeeding at University. Lincoln: JEP and JRPO Rathbone, J.L. (1969).
• The American Institute of Stress American Institute of Stress is dedicated to advancing understanding of Stress in Health and Illness.
• Stress Free NET http://www.stressfree.coة
Stress less Stress Less ®

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الصف الثاني عشر

بغيت تقرير englishعن stress للصف الثاني عشر

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

التقرير جاهز ، بحث Stress , English report about stress للصف الثاني عشر

إن شاء الله يعجبكم

ملخص وهو المطلوب عندكم

أدعولي بالتوفيق

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

English report about stress , تقرير انجليزي عن stress للصف الثاني عشر

شبااااااااااب بسرعه

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

School Stress للصف الثاني عشر

School Stress

There’s no doubt about it: a student’s life (particularly a McGill student’s life) is incredibly stressful. Consider how the following may help you:

Start your day off with a complete breakfast! Make it fun: go out for breakfast with a friend sometimes.

Limit your intake of high caffeine drinks (i.e. coffee, tea and soft drinks) to 1-2 drinks per day.

Set priorities! Write a to do list to help organize your work.

We are but flawed human beings. Don’t try to be perfect all the time; just do your best and be happy with yourself.

Try not to do too many things at once. Focus on one task at a time.

Avoid procrastination! Create a manageable work schedule and stick to it.

Minimize noise levels when studying. Ear plugs are great if you have to study in a naturally noisy area or try playing soft music (i.e. classical) in the background.

Put your answering machine or voice mail to work. Restrict telephone calls when you’re extra busy, you need to concentrate or you just need to relax.

Plan to use uninterrupted blocks of time for big jobs or a collection of smaller jobs-this may actually help save time in the long run.

Share your misery! Develop or join student support groups.

Take creative study breaks! Go roller-blading or skating, go for a walk or to the theatre. Don’t always do the same things when you want to get away from your studies.

Make your study place a pleasant place. Tidy things up; have adequate lighting to avoid eye strain; ensure proper ventilation; and sit in a chair that offers proper back support.

Don’t make grades a life or death issue! Everybody gets an ‘F’ at least once, and learning is more than grades alone.

Three or four brains are better than one! Organize or join groups with 2-3 classmates and practice asking each other questions.

Develop a wide variety of sources of gratification in your life including family, friends, hobbies, interests, etc.

Take a 10-20 minute relaxation, yoga or exercise break during the day. (Check out McGill’s physical education department or the downtown YMCA for numerous classes).

Get a good night’s sleep (6-8 hours) – even during exams! You’ll be able to concentrate better and therefore study better during the day.

Money isn’t everything! Explore your vocational interests. Will your studies get you a job that suits your interests and abilities? Do you see yourself “happily” spending the rest of your life doing this job.

Be assertive! Learn how to express differences, to make requests and to say “No!”.

Don’t overlook the emotional resources available to you—family, roommates, friends.

McGill also offers:
Counseling 398-3601
Mental Health 398-6019
Student Health 398-6017
McGill Nightline 398-6246

المصدر : http://www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/i…/schoolstress/

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

English report , Report about stress , stress -للتعليم الاماراتي

انا ابغي تقرير عن اي شي عادي بس المهم

تكون فيه هالبنود


ابيه عن اي شي وان شاء الله لو صفحه وحده بس

المهم يكون فيه الأشياء الي ذكرتها

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

English paragraph about stress للصف الثاني عشر

السلام عليكم

اتمنى تساعدوني بكتابه براجرافات عن المواضيع الموجوده بالكتاب ,,,,,,,,

يعني أي حد عنده موضوع أو يقدر يكتب موضوع أو كتب يحطه هني ,,

عشان الكل يستفيد

على الاقل نشوف الجمل وكيف تنكتب …

وحتى ممكن يساعدنا بـ

واتمنى تثبيت الموضوووع وتفاعلكم وياي

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن stress -للتعليم الاماراتي

Definition for stress
Stress is one of those words that has become so commonly used that it is used to cover a whole spectrum of emotions and feelings. We all assume that everyone else means the same as we do.

It’s The Little Things That Get You Every Time
More than a half a century of living has taught me that I can survive the big problems in life. To me, this makes sense, because for most people events like marriage, divorce, birth and death, job changes, etc. don’t happen all that often. So, the stress that they cause is usually short lived, fading as soon as the changes they bring become a normal part of your life.
On the other hand, it is the little chronic stressful things that I find the hardest to deal with. You know, the small things that you live with and tolerate everyday. The main problem with small annoying things is they tend to add up. The type of days I am talking about are those days when the car won’t start and you get a ticket on the way to work, run out of gas, or spend the entire day dealing with other peoples’ problems?
The small stresses are part of life and can become a problem when you allow them to get the best of you. When this happens they can rob you of the energy you need to handle the bigger, more important issues in your life. Sometimes, they can become the final straw. For example, I clearly remember the annoying broken front door lock that would stick and not let me in the house. I finally had it fixed when I found myself yelling at the lock and kicking the door after a crisis filled day at work. One thing about the small annoying things, most of them can be changed.
Here are some suggestions that may help you cope with the small stresses in your life:
• Take one thing at a time: If you are feeling overwhelmed, prioritize your tasks and do them one at a time. Make a point of letting go of work that others could do as well.
• Be realistic about your goals and your timelines. Do not be afraid to adjust goals and timelines when they become unrealistic.
• Make the time to catch up. When little things pile up, plan a day to take care of them. Mark the day on your calendar and make a list of what you hope to accomplish. Once-in-a-while plan a day with nothing to do but relax.
• Try not to put things off. If something is broken, make plans for fixing it. If you call ‘the something’ a four letter word twice you have waited too long.
• Most important: learn to accept what you cannot change, make a point of changing what you can and learn to tell the difference between the two.

Effects of stress
Common symptoms of stress include:
• Rapid heartbeat.
• Headache.
• Stiff neck and/or tight shoulders.
• Backache.
• Rapid breathing.
• Sweating and sweaty palms.
• Upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea.
You also may notice signs of stress in your thinking, behavior, or mood. You may:
• Become irritable and intolerant of even minor disturbances.
• Feel irritated or frustrated, lose your temper more often, and yell at others for no reason.
• Feel jumpy or exhausted all the time.
• Find it hard to concentrate or focus on tasks.
• Worry too much about insignificant things.
• Doubt your ability to do things.
• Imagine negative, worrisome, or terrifying scenes.
• Feel you are missing opportunities because you cannot act quickly.

Kinds of stress

Stress management can be complicated and confusing because there are different types of stress–acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress — each with its own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatment approaches. Let’s look at each one.

Acute Stress

Acute stress is the most common form of stress. It comes from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future. Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small doses, but too much is exhausting. A fast run down a challenging ski slope, for example, is exhilarating early in the day. That same ski run late in the day is taxing and wearing. Skiing beyond your limits can lead to falls and broken bones. By the same token, overdoing on short-term stress can lead to psychological distress, tension headaches, upset stomach, and other symptoms.

Fortunately, acute stress symptoms are recognized by most people. It’s a laundry list of what has gone awry in their lives: the auto accident that crumpled the car fender, the loss of an important contract, a deadline they’re rushing to meet, their child’s occasional problems at school, and so on.

Because it is short term, acute stress doesn’t have enough time to do the extensive damage associated with long-term stress. The most common symptoms are:
• emotional distress–some combination of anger or irritability, anxiety, and depression, the three stress emotions;
• muscular problems including tension headache, back pain, jaw pain, and the muscular tensions that lead to pulled muscles
• stomach, gut and bowel problems such as heartburn, acid stomach, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome;
• elevation in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, heart palpitations, dizziness, migraine headaches, cold hands or feet, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Advice for stress
Crowded bustling malls, repeated trips to the airport to fetch long-lost relatives, and the constant shuffling of ******s and turkey out of your oven can translate into one reaction — stress. Christmas may be the season of love and celebration, but sometimes holiday festivities can become overwhelming.
According to Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, some families feel stress from trying to keep up with the Joneses. For others, family conflicts arise from stress borne out of togetherness. Additionally, mothers often do a tremendous amount of preparation during the holiday season. This excess work and struggle to please everyone can leave them feeling isolated.
"During the holidays, our lives become even more stressful as we try to juggle our usual responsibilities with extra holiday preparation and complicated family dynamics," says Dr. Saltz. "This year, try to keep your holiday stress to a minimum by prioritizing what is important to you and then planning how you will get it done."
Don’t wait for the last minute to make plans. If you have family difficulties, try to plan some time with friends.
Don’t be a perfectionist about the holidays. Prioritize the events that matter the most to you and your family. Understand that you can’t do everything, so choose the things that you can accomplish and enjoy.
For gift shopping, remember that it’s the thought that counts. Don’t let competitiveness and perfectionism send you on too many shopping trips.
Simplify. Don’t bake 20 different types of ******s unless you enjoy it. You and your family may enjoy fewer ******s but more time together.
Remember that family time can be both wonderful and anxiety-provoking. Sometimes, expectations for reunions are too high, resulting in disappointment and frustration. Try to be realistic.
Plan your time so that you take care of several errands on one trip. You will have more time to spend doing the things that you really want to do.
Take some time to think about what the holiday really means to you and your family. Time together, religious observance, reflection on your life and future goals — let these aspects of the holidays keep things in perspective.
These tips can help you to reduce stress and make the holidays a pleasure. Doing less may help you to enjoy the season more and that is really the best stress reliever of all.

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الصف الثاني عشر

English report about stress -تعليم الامارات

لو سمحتو بغيت تقرير عن واحد من هالمواضيع
helthy life styel
ويكون فيه مقدمه وموضوع وخاتمه ومصادر ادري ان طلباتي وايد بس هذا مب حقي لان ربيعتي مسويه نفسي والحين لازم وحده فينا تغير الموضوع ضروري لانا متوهقات الحين

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

موضوع عن stress -تعليم الامارات

…………..دخييييييييييلكوووووو احد يدش يسااااااااااااعدني…
مس الا نجلييزي عطتنا واااااااحب منزلي اكتب موضوووووووووووع عن stressومااااااااااااعرف اكتب سااااااااااااعدوووني انا كتبت عن الحلوووووووول بس ابي عن الاسبااااب وابي مقدمه شااااااااملة وأعراضه ……. دخيلكووو ضروووووووووري…


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