- Natural disaster.docx (123.1 كيلوبايت, 278 مشاهدات)
الكوارث الطبيعية
One day I went with my family to Los Angeles by plane for tourism after our arrival in Los Angeles, rented a car to take us to the hotel, which will inhabit a valuable next day we went to the park the atmosphere was very beautiful and the atmosphere suddenly change and we are shocked because the sky change color to become cloudy very strong wind and thunder, his voice is very frightening brother saw from afar that there is something quick to come to us and when I saw I saw the hurricane coming from the scene was very scary and horror to the point that my sister started crying too scared of the hurricane and my mother she took my sister to stop crying and put she is hand in my sister face to saw the scene and crying and father said to us that we run to the bridge, which was near the garden and hiding beneath it, and was approaching us over the sound and was very strong and scary and horrible and winds. My father was with him the rope and We connect the all this rope and told us Chbhtoa Once the hurricane over the bridge and it was The thing stands in my life at that moment and thank God we did not hit us something that we in peace and after the storm ended, there was a lot of houses demolished in the hurricane and I advise everyone not to go anywhere without making sure of the atmosphere by listening to the meteorological
و شكراااا ..
طالبتنك طلبة يا جالب المواضيع …واللي حاضر أريد هذا البحث خلال ها الأسبوع
مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة مع المصارد
الله يخليكم لا تردوني
وسمحولي يا طيبين
لو سمحتوا اخواني بغيت تقرير عن Natural Disasters كوارث طبيعية
ابغيه يتكون من مقدمة وموضوع وخاتمة والمصادر والفهرس بليز يتكون من 7 او 8 صفحات على الاكثر بليز
اسمحولي اخواني بس اباه ضروري لانه لازم اسلمه خلال هاليومين والسموحة منكم ^_^
البحث في المرفق
محتوى البحث:
1- العنوان
طبعا بالانجليزي…
موفقين ان شاء الله
وهذي نبذة صغيرة عن الموضوع
Natural disaster