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The Difference Between Cats and Dogs
Cats and dogs are clearly unique creatures, yet as the two most common house pets comparisons often arise. There are good reasons why cats and dogs have such distinctive personalities and behaviors. Likely the biggest difference between cats and dogs is their social patterns and interactions. Dogs being pack animals, the members of their pack or family are critical to them. They look for a leader, and may try to take the leadership role if they don’t perceive that another member of their pack is the leader. If a person does not take the leadership role, dogs often experience behavior problems. This is quite different than the way cats interact. Cats are not pack animals, and don’t look for a human leader to follow. While they are more independent than dogs, they aren’t solitary animals as some perceive them. However, the relationships they form are based more on behavior, treatment, and territorial and survival concerns. A cat that is treated badly will rarely stick around, where a dog that is treated badly will often return as they are connected to those people regardless of their treatment. In the wild cats do form groups, but this is influenced by whether there is enough food to hunt, and if they are willing to accept another cat into their territory. Cats hunt independently and don’t share their food as dogs do. Consequently, the basic ways dogs and cats interact with people and other animals are fundamentally different.
Another difference that stems from the different ways that dogs and cats hunt is their physical make up. As solitary hunters cats are physically quite remarkable and unique. From the smallest housecat to their wild big cat cousins they are physically suited as exceptional hunters. Their eyes pick up even the slightest movement and they have excellent night time vision. However, details of an object or its color may not be that clear. Their hearing and sense of smell are also acute and perfectly suited for a hunter. Finally, what makes a cat so unique is their physical capabilities. Most any cat owner can recall exceptional physical feats performed by their cat, whether it was in pursuit of a cat toy or after becoming spooked by a loud noise or other animal. Cats have extraordinary flexibility, and excellent running and jumping capabilities that is unmatched by other animals.
As group hunters dogs are physically different than cats. While physically adept, dogs are best suited for finding prey. One of the most remarkable canine skills is its tracking ability. This can be seen in many working dogs that use their tracking abilities for search and rescue, or to detect particular substances such as illegal drugs or explosives. This shows XXXX a remarkable nose and an ability to be trained, along with a desire to please. Typically dogs have exceptional hearing too. Dogs have also been bred by people to have particular traits. Therefore some breeds are particularly good at picking up a scent, others are suited to hunt and retrieve, others are particularly fast runners, and unfortunately some dogs have been bred to fight making them much more aggressive than the average dog, conversely many dogs are bred mainly to be pets which usually leads to a good even tempered dog. While cats are bred too, it isn’t to the same extent as dogs and cats aren’t typically bred for a particular ability like dogs are, consequently it hasn’t affected the specie quite in the same way as dogs. There can be quite a range in personality and demeanor for XXXX cats and dogs, but each has basics elements that are unique to their own specie.
بالتوفيق ..
مشروع لمادة الرياضيات , الثاني عشر الادبي 12
مشروع لمادة الرياضيات , الثاني عشر الادبي 12
كيفيه التعرف على درجات الحرارة و معرفة مدى التغير في درجة الحرارة في يوم واحد من شهر نوفمبر
تجدونها في المرفقات
……والله يوفج الجميع……
كيفكم ي اهل الامارات
جيت وادري ماراح تخيبوني عندي مشروع في مقرر الاحصاء التربوي
في احد يقدر يسساعدني فيه؟
اخواني وخواتي يبت لكم مجموعة اوراق لدرس التمثيل البياني لدالة متفرعة ، نهاية دالة عند نقطة..الرياضيات
منقول من احد المدونة لمعهدنا العزيز..
موفقين يارب,,
العدد المُشتَقّ في نقطة، على رسم بياني الدالة ذات متغيرات وقيم حقيقية، هو معامل المماس الموجه. يعبر التفاضل عن المعدل الذي تتغير به قيمة y نتيجة تغير قيمة x توجد بينهما علاقة رياضية أو دالة رياضية وتعرف الدالة المشتقة بأنها ميل المماس لمنحنى {f(x عند أي نقطة بشرط وجود هذه المشتقة أو هي السرعة اللحظية أو معدل التغيير اللحظي للدالة. نستخدم الرمز Δ للدلالة على التغير في الكمية. ويكون معدل التغير هو نهاية نسبة تغير y إلى نسبة تغير x :
عندما Δx تقارب 0.
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