للتحميل اضغط هنا
للتحميل اضغط هنا
هذي حلول درس حكاية جحا وفيل تيمورلنك
1. وجوه البلده
2. 4
4. إرسال فيله للفيل وتكريم جحا بإعطاءه جبة وقووقا
تيمورلنك: شدة الغضب والشر
جحا: حسن التصرف و الذكاء والحيله
وجوه القوم: الخوف والقلق
2. لانه لاحظ على تيمورلنك ان وجهه يتميز من الغيض وعيناه تقدحان
3. من له حيله فليحتال بها
1. بلده صغيره – ربوع خضراء -عرف أهلها بأنهم متعاونون
فكر في:
1. نعم , فهي احدوثه شفويه ليس لها راوي
2. الروايه الشفويه ثم تم تدوينها وتحولت إلى تراث , مجهولة الراوي وتتميز بقوة البناء والتماسك , تدور حول شخصيه واحد ناميه ( جحا) وبعض الشخصيات الثانويه ( وجوه البلده) , لا حدود للزمان والمكان ,تصوير الحياه بأسلوب واقعي.
3. الحكمه والنقد الاجتماعي
طور مفرداتك:
اتلفها >>>> أفعلها >>>> تلف
تجمع >>>> تفعل >>>> جمع
يتوسط>>>> يتفعل >>> وسط
أفسد>>>>> أفعل >>>> فسد
وبس =)
أتمنى انكم تستفيدوووووون
1- That loud bang gave quite a …………….so I stiffened
a- fight
b- front
c- fridge
d- frog
2- There was a smell of a …….onions in the kitchen , so I left it quickly
a- foggy
b- frying
c- planning
d- filling
3- The mystery of her ………..has never been solved
a- disappearance
b- corner
c- disapproval
d- coast
4- He always tries to ……………any arguments if possible
a- exist
b- avoid
c- sow
d- scold
5- That dress looks nice. It has thin …………….in the shoulders
a- images
b- links
c- stripes
d- pastry
6- She immediately agreed on going to Dubai without any moment of ….
a- merry
b- pronunciation
c- congratulation
d- hesitation
7- Wearing Al- Burquae is an ………………clothes
a- old age
b- old fashioned
c- old treatment
d- old testament
8- I hate going to the dentists’ clinic because I’m a terrible …………
a- obedient
b- jealous
c- brightly
d- coward
9- The people …………at the news of the victory
a- revenge
b- rejoice
c- react
d- respect
10- She told a joke to ………………the sad atmosphere
a- lighten
b- frighten
c- thicken
d- sadden
11- It is usually in wet places like paths , the floor is wet and ………..
a- slippery
b- flowery
c- smelly
d- modesty
12- Nothing is …………..in life
a- ever
b- every place
c- every body
d- everlasting
13- The children will be tested on addition, subtraction, ….and division
a- multi
b- multiplication
c- minus
d- omission
14- She was attractive in the party. She was wearing a long black dress and a pink ……………….
a- collar
b- pigeon
c- lipstick
d- parcel
15- You should be ……………….to the job interview
a- moderate
b- brave
c- punctual
d- modesty
16- She is seeking ……………for the murder of her husband
a- revenge
b- lie
c- sweeten
d- sow
17- Some teachers felt …………….by a lack of recourses
a- hatred
b- hundred
c- hindered
d- handed
18- Most women are struggling to combine their ……..and their careers
a- motherhood
b- brotherhood
d- sisterhood
19- The police officer wrote the details in his ……………
a- beak
b- calculator
c- notebook
d- bicycle
20- Many patients complained of being ………by the doctor’s manner
a- discomforted b- dissatisfied c- discouraged d- disliked
الاسئلة مب محلولة
شدوا حيلكم وحلوها بروحكم
الاعتماد ع النفس فضيلة (أعتقد
بغيت حلول صفحة 7 و 8 من الووركـ بوك
و السموحه
عازفة الصمت
ممكن امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني لماة الانجلش ؟
محتاجه بلييييز ؟
اشكر الجميع على الجهود الطيبه
ويعطيك العافيه جالب المواضيع
اشتركت بسبب مجهودكم الطيب
وبسبب دفعني للطلب
ما عليكم اماره اردت موضوع عن كيفية تنشئة الابناء تنشئه سليمه
او كيف يهتم الآباء لابنائهم والطرق السليمه لتربيتهم
ما يكون طويل مجرد صفحتين [ يعني تقرير بسيط بلغه بسيطه ]
وشكرا لكم جميعا ولكل من سيساعدني
Start your day off with a complete breakfast! Make it fun: go out for breakfast with a friend sometimes.
Limit your intake of high caffeine drinks (i.e. coffee, tea and soft drinks) to 1-2 drinks per day.
Set priorities! Write a to do list to help organize your work.
We are but flawed human beings. Don’t try to be perfect all the time; just do your best and be happy with yourself.
Try not to do too many things at once. Focus on one task at a time.
Avoid procrastination! Create a manageable work schedule and stick to it.
Minimize noise levels when studying. Ear plugs are great if you have to study in a naturally noisy area or try playing soft music (i.e. classical) in the background.
Put your answering machine or voice mail to work. Restrict telephone calls when you’re extra busy, you need to concentrate or you just need to relax.
Plan to use uninterrupted blocks of time for big jobs or a collection of smaller jobs-this may actually help save time in the long run.
Share your misery! Develop or join student support groups.
Take creative study breaks! Go roller-blading or skating, go for a walk or to the theatre. Don’t always do the same things when you want to get away from your studies.
Make your study place a pleasant place. Tidy things up; have adequate lighting to avoid eye strain; ensure proper ventilation; and sit in a chair that offers proper back support.
Don’t make grades a life or death issue! Everybody gets an ‘F’ at least once, and learning is more than grades alone.
Three or four brains are better than one! Organize or join groups with 2-3 classmates and practice asking each other questions.
Develop a wide variety of sources of gratification in your life including family, friends, hobbies, interests, etc.
Take a 10-20 minute relaxation, yoga or exercise break during the day. (Check out McGill’s physical education department or the downtown YMCA for numerous classes).
Get a good night’s sleep (6-8 hours) – even during exams! You’ll be able to concentrate better and therefore study better during the day.
Money isn’t everything! Explore your vocational interests. Will your studies get you a job that suits your interests and abilities? Do you see yourself “happily” spending the rest of your life doing this job.
Be assertive! Learn how to express differences, to make requests and to say “No!”.
Don’t overlook the emotional resources available to you—family, roommates, friends.
McGill also offers:
Counseling 398-3601
Mental Health 398-6019
Student Health 398-6017
McGill Nightline 398-6246
المصدر :::http://www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/i…/schoolstress
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تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution لمادة اللغه الإنجليزيه الثاني عشر 12
تقرير Report on Cause environmental pollution الصف الثاني عشر 12 علمي / ادبي
.~ صنع يدي~.
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