اضغط ع الصورة للتحميل:
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اذا ما نفع الباسبورد جرب :
اضغط ع الصورة للتحميل:
باسبورد فك الضغط :
اذا ما نفع الباسبورد جرب :
باسبورد فك الضغط :
اضغط على الصورة للتحميل:
باسبورد فك الضغط :
حل جميع انشطة ( تمارين) كتاب التربية الاسلامية لصف العاشر_الامارات حل جميع انشطة ( تمارين) كتاب التربية الاسلامية لصف العاشر_الامارات حلول كتاب التمارين , حل كتاب دين صف عاشر اول ثانوي الامارات امارات طلاب طلبة فصل الثاني فصل دراسي الثاني ف2
The most important invention (plane):
I’m going to tell you today about one of the most important inventions’ or it is the most important invention…it is the (plane).
First am going to tell you important information about it and it is who the first guy that invented it .actually they were tow not one and they were (Wright Brothers) and they invent it in 17 of December 1903.
The plane made the world smaller it made the transportation very easy… But almost of people don’t know that to Fabricates planes is very deflect because it takes a lot of time and money. it take five years to Pretests it.
Now they are inviting plane that in it you can find swimming pool, big rooms and a lot of interesting things.
I heard a strange thing that the most rich people like (singers , actors and important people) in the world are buying them own planes and they ignore that it cost a lot of money it cost about 50 millions dollar … I think that it Deserve that.. I like this invention and I like to travel by it and I think that it is the most important invention.