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المهمـ ..

بغيت مشرووووع انجيلزي عن نهر النيل ويا صور و مرتبة ص٦


فمااااان الله

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بوربوينت للصف العاشر

ابغي مشروع انجليزي عن انترويو او عن الموسوعات حيوانا الناس لن يحبونها
انترويو عند شخصية مشهورة في مجتمع ان صورة او نسأله اسألة

عن الموسوعات حيوانا الذي الناس لم يحبوهم تقريبا 20 حيوان وليش الناس لن يحبوهم ومع بوربوينت

وارسلوا لي بالمسن هذا هو ايميلي

يمنع وضع الايميلات

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rebort about spider (done) للصف العاشر


There are more than 4,000 different species of spiders in Canada and America. There have been spiders for 300 million years ago, before the first man appeared. WOW! Spiders are not insects for they have 8 legs and insects have 6. Spiders have 8 eyes too. They have 2 parts, the head and the abdomen. Where do they get the nice sticky thread silk? It comes from their abdomen. They have the strongest silk in the world.


Spiders are good hunters, spending most of their lives hunting. Spiders spin a new web every day. Also another word for spider is “arachnid”. Scorpions, ticks and mites are also arachnids. In warm places there are spiders that live up to 20 to 30 years.
In an ordinary field there are about 2 million spiders catching flies and other pesky insects, which would make our lives very uncomfy. Spiders have loads of enemies but they have camouflage, or they can hide. Their most main enemy is the wasp and the ant.
The male spider the way he mates is he does signals. He dances for her until they mate. If the male is wise enough, he’ll scurry away. Because if the female is hungry she might not know the signal, and she might gobble him up into itsy bitsy little shreds.
The females are great mothers. The wolf spider carries the eggs wherever she goes, then they hatch and they travel on her back. In a week or two, the spiderlings let out little threads. This is called ballooning, which is kind of like sailing. If they could talk I would bet they would say, “We are going to go wherever the wind may take us”.

One kind of spider, the Aranea, makes a web that looks like it’s a bottomless pit. She goes to a hiding place. She knows when her food comes by vibration. She wraps the insect up in her silk. Then she sucks out its blood. Part of the Aranea’s cousins is the Agelena spider, who in her life spins a web not like Aranea’s, but like a really dirty handkerchief that’s hanging up.
Most spiders spin sticky stuff but since they have oily legs, they do not get caught in the sticky stuff.
The black widow spider’s bite is very dangerous and could kill you
Trap-door spiders slightly open their door to their underground tunnel, when a fly comes, they snatch it and slam the door.
Crab spiders are camouflage spiders who walk sideways and backwards just like the crab.
Tropical spiders are very pretty, they are so pretty that you might think they are a nice jewel that you can wear. But you might be scared when you get up close enough. They have better eyesight than the ones who spin webs because they have 8 BIG eyes.
The wolf spider doesn’t spin webs. It actually lives on the ground and it goes as fast as lightening.
The jumping spider is like a cat, it will wait for it’s victim and then it will pounce. For some reason they remind me of Weird Al.
Tarantulas mostly live in the desert or in the jungle. Most tarantulas do not need much space, they dig small burrows. They’ll even dig them bigger, or they’ll dig new burrows when they grow too big for their burrow.
They are hairy spiders, most weigh 1 ounce. Since people are always more afraid of tarantulas than regular spiders because of tarantulas big hairiness, they should not be because tarantulas are shy and spend most of their time hiding.
The names for some tarantulas describe what they do or where they live. The Mexican red knee lives in Mexico and its knees are sort of red.
The Goliath is the biggest tarantula. It can grow as big as a dinner plate. It weighs 4 ounces.
ALL spiders and tarantulas have fangs. When the spider’s fangs move they move like scissors. But tarantulas have fangs that go down like little hooks. They kill their food with poisonous fangs. Most tarantulas venom does not work on humans. But some tarantulas have so powerful a venom that people die from it. That is why you should be afraid of them, not because of their hairiness.
Most adult tarantulas eat only about once a week. Since other spiders weave webs, they need to feel when their food comes and don’t need good eyesight. But tarantulas have excellent eyesight for catching food because they don’t spin webs. They do not feel the vibration of the prey, they see it.
Shedding is the most dangerous time in any tarantula’s life. For when they are laying down and they are done with their old skin, their new skin is very soft until it hardens. So while that process is going on the tarantula is a very good snack for any predator.
Tarantulas have an egg sac that looks like a golf ball (and a fuzzy one at that). But in the egg sac the tarantula lays as many as 700 eggs. When the spiderlings are hatched they look nothing like their mother or father. They actually look like little walking eggs.
And another interesting fact: tarantulas do not play the computer, and they do not dance the tango, but they love to play chess.

Craig, Janet. Amazing World of Spiders. Troll Associates. Mahwah, 1990.
Storad, Conrad J. Tarantulas. Lerner Publications Company. Minneapolis, 1998.

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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Mount Everest 10 s2 جبل افريست

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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قصه وتلخيص بالانجليزي للصف العاشر

الــسلام عليكم والرحمه ..
اشحال الكل ؟
مممـ اول مره احط موضوع وللأسف انه طلب بس ان شاءالله بساعدكم لو تبون شي ..

المهم ..

لو ماعليكم أمر بغيت { قصه وتلخيصا باالانجليزي =)

يمكن الطلب صعب شوي بس الي يروم يساعدني

وع العموم مشكورين وما اتقصرون

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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تقرير عن Healthy food للصف العاشر

United Arab Emirates
Ministry Of Education

Healthy food

Done by:
Observed by:

Healthy food
It is the food that has the daily needs for the human’s body in different stages of his age.

What is food?
It is every thing that human takes from soils (water or other drinks) and also hard things from food.

Foods store:
– Fatty’ substances4

The importance of having more than one choice in the food…
Having more than one choice offers a balance of food for the health. There is no full food but food completes to one another to make a full food. If you neglect one type of your daily food it won’t be a balanced diet but if you took a bit from each type you will be sure to have all the material that you need.

How to choose your perfect diet for your lifestyle:
For the people who works in critical thinking jobs like (students, business men) they need milk, cheese, eggs, and fish.
And they should stay away from the coffee and tea because it affects in the body from inside.
..The person who faces lots of trouble in their work needs a lot of vegetables and fruits and a piece of cheese but they have to stop the meat no problem if they had some lettuce or carrots or potatoes.
..The people who works with the strength of their body they need references rich with energy like the sugary and fatty substances
..The people who sits behind their desks under the air conditioner without moving they need some fresh vegetables and fruits.

How to avoid the gas in your stomach..
..Save the enough time to eat food so never eat fast and never speak while drinking soils especially if it was hot.
..Balance between the food times so doesn’t get food into food.
..To eat food slowly and chew it perfectly and don’t eat while chewing.
..Avoid holding and avoid the food that make Gas like cabbage.

Healthy ways to keep food safe…
..The milk is always kept in the refrigerator away from the light…
..Heating bread in the lowest degree possible so that it won’t lose the vitamins.
..Don’t wash the rice very much and don’t use a lot of water during heating it.
Eat the vegetables and the fruits fresh always after washing it…
..Keep the vegetables with leaves like lettuce in the coldest place in the refrigerator after covering it with wet cloth – but the beans and tomatoes are kept in a lower degree.
..Oranges and fruits are kept in a normal temperature and its juice is saved covered in the refrigerator.


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تقرير / بحث : Dog للصف العااشر E للصف العاشر

في المرررفقات

بالتوفيق للجمييع

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  • نوع الملف: docx Dog.docx‏ (428.0 كيلوبايت, 223 مشاهدات)

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Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

في المرفق تجدون ,,

تقرير رائع عن الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم,,

طبعا منقول..


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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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حل كتاب الورك بوك صفحة 11 الصف العاشر -تعليم اماراتي

لو سمحتوا اخواني االاعضاء ابا حل الكتاب الملون ص 14 و15

والغير ملون ص 8 و11 بليززززززززززززززززززز دخيلكم ساعدوني

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حل كاتب اللغة الانجليزية لصف العاشر للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ارجوكم ابي حل كتاب الانجليزي لصف العاشر الجزء الاول

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