الصف العاشر

تقرير عن انجيلزى الفصل الاول للصف العاشر

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

أريد تقرير عن events in the UAE الصف العاشر

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

اول طلب لي وياليت محد يردني .. للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم و الرحمه …

شحالكم .. عساكم طيبين ..

بغيت منكم شي بسيط بس بليييز حد يساعدني لاني صدق محتايتنه ..

ابى حد يرد يكتب هالفقرتين من اسلووبه بس بكلمات بسيطه مب معقده وكبيره ما ابغي تلخيص ابى بس اعاده كتابه باسلوب بسيط بليييز ابااه في اسرع وقت ممكن

Palm Tree Fruit
The Palm tree fruit is various in form, size and character; sometimes, as in the common date it is a berry with a fleshy rind enclosing a hard stony kernel, the true seed; the fruit of Areca is similar; sometimes it is a kind of drupe as in Acrccomia, or the coconut, Cocos nucif era, where the fibrous central portion investing the hard shell corresponds to the fleshy portion of a plum or cherry, while the shell or nut corresponds to the stone of stone-fruits, the seed being the kernel. In Borassus the three seeds are each enclosed in a separate chamber formed by the stony endocarp. Sometimes, as in the species of Metroxylon, Raphia, Daemonorops, &c,, the fruit is covered with hard, pointed, reflexed shining scales, which give it a very remarkable appearance.

40 million palm trees in UAE

A study conveyed by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry disclosed that there are around 40 million palm trees in the UAE, and that 40% percent of this number is in Al Ain city.

Palm trees cover 30% of the land allocated for fruit farming in the UAE. And in 2022, date production represented 60% of the total production of fruits and vegetables in the country. The study also shows that in 2022 at international level, Egypt was the leading country in date production followed by Saudi Arabia, then the UAE.

According to the study, date production rose from 8 thousand metric tons in 1971 to around 760 metric tons in 2022 (more than 90 times).

And in 2022 ,Dubai foreign trade of dates achieved 302.4 million dirhams.

والسمووحه …

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

تقارير جاهزة للانجليزي للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تقاريــــــــر E جاهــــــــــــزة

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

اغاثة لمن يحب الدخول للصف العاشر

حل جميع اسئلة الكتاب الملون

طالبة الاغاثة انقذوني


لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

براجراف عن Air conditioning للصف العاشر

لـو سمحتوا ابـآ براجراف عن اي اخترآع..

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

أحلى تقرير لأحلى مدونة عن الجبال للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم
وإليكم التقرير

A mountain is a landform that extends above the surrounding ‎terrain in a limited area. A mountain is generally steeper than a ‎hill, but there is no universally accepted standard definition for the ‎height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an ‎identifiable summit. Mountains cover 54% of Asia, 36% of North ‎America 25% of Europe 22% of South America 17% of Australia ‎and 3% of Africa As a whole, 24% of the Earth’s land mass is ‎mountainous. 10% of people live in mountainous regions. Most of ‎the world’s rivers are fed from mountain sources, and more than ‎half of humanity depends on mountains for water.‎
The adjective montane is used to describe mountainous areas and ‎things associated with them.‎
‎ Heights
K2 ,8,611 metres (28,251 ft),‎‏ ‏Karakoram Range‏ ‏‎,‎‏ ‏Pakistan.‎
Mountains heights are given as the elevation of the summit above ‎mean sea level. The Himalayas average 5 km above sea level, ‎while the Andes average 4 km. Most other mountain ranges ‎average 2 – 2.5 km. The highest mountain on land is Everest, ‎‎8,848 m (29,029 feet) in the Himalayas
Other definitions of height are possible. The peak that is farthest ‎from the center of the Earth is Chimborazo in Ecuador. At ‎‎6,267 meters above sea level it is not even the tallest peak in the ‎Andes, but because Chimborazo is very close to the equator and ‎the Earth bulges at the equator, it is 2,150 meters further away ‎from the Earth’s center than Everest. The peak that rises farthest ‎from its **** is Mauna Kea on Hawaii, whose peak is over ‎‎9,000 meters above its **** on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.‎
Even though Everest is the highest mountain on Earth today, there ‎have been much taller mountains in the past. During the ‎Precambrian era, the Canadian Shield once had enormous ‎mountains 12,000 meters in height that are now eroded down into ‎rolling hills. These enormous mountains formed by the collision of ‎plate tectonics much like the Himalaya and the Rocky Mountains.‎
At 26 km (‎‏ ‏Fraknoi et al., 2022), the tallest known mountain in the ‎solar system is Olympus Mons, located on Mars and is an ancient ‎volcano. Volcanoes have been known to erupt on other planets and ‎moons in our solar system in our life-times (volcanoes on Venus ‎for example, constantly erupt) and some of them erupt ice instead ‎of lava. Several years ago, the Hale-Bopp telescope recorded the ‎first known live images of a volcano erupting on a moon in our ‎solar system.‎
‎ Characteristics
The altitude of mountains means that the tops exist in higher cold ‎layers of the atmosphere. They are consequently often subject to ‎glaciation and erosion through frost action. This produces the ‎classic mountain peak shape. Some mountains have glacial lakes, ‎created by melting glaciers; for example, there are an estimated ‎‎3,000 in Bhutan.‎

Mount Olympus in Greece.‎
Sufficiently tall mountains have very different climatic conditions ‎at the top than at the ****, and will thus have different life zones at ‎different altitudes on their curves. The plants and animals of a zone ‎are somewhat closed together when the zones above and below are ‎inhospitable, and many unique species occur on mountainsides as ‎an answer. Extreme things are known as sky islands. Tree forests ‎are forests on mountain sides which attract moisture from the trees, ‎creating a unique ecosystem. Very tall mountains may be covered ‎in ice or snow.‎
Mountains are not generally liked for human habitation; the ‎weather is harsher, less water is available, and there is little level ‎ground suitable for agriculture. At very high altitudes, there is less ‎oxygen in the air, and less protection against solar radiation (UV). ‎Acute mountain sickness (caused by hypoxia – a lack of oxygen in ‎the blood) affects over half of lowlanders who spend more than a ‎few hours above 3,500 meters.‎
Most mountains of the world have been left in their natural state, ‎and are today primarily used for recreation. Some mountains are ‎very difficult to climb, and offer spectacular views. Some people ‎therefore enjoy the sport of mountaineering. Mountains are also the ‎site for the sport of downhill skiing. People engaging in these ‎activities often stay at mountain resorts built for the purpose.‎

‎ Geology
The Himalayan mountain range with Mount Everest.‎
A mountain is usually produced by the movement of lithospheric ‎plates, either orogenic movement or epeirogenic movement. The ‎compressional forces, isostatic uplift and intrusion of igneous ‎matter forces surface rock upwards, creating a landform higher ‎than the surrounding features. The height of the feature makes it ‎either a hill or, if higher and steeper, a mountain. The absolute ‎heights of features termed mountains and hills vary greatly ‎according to an area’s terrain. The major mountains tend to occur ‎in long linear arcs, indicating tectonic plate boundaries and ‎activity. Mountain creation tends to occur in discrete periods, each ‎referred to as an orogeny. The orogeny may last millions of years, ‎and the uplifted region is being eroded away, producing valley-‎and-peak terrain, even while the uplift is taking place. Two types ‎of mountain are formed depending on how the rock reacts to the ‎tectonic forces – block mountains or fold mountains.‎
The compressional forces in continental collisions may cause the ‎compressed region to thicken, so the upper surface is forced ‎upwards. In order to balance the weight, much of the compressed ‎rock is forced downwards, producing deep "mountain roots". ‎Mountains therefore form downwards as well as upwards (see ‎isostasy). However, in some continental collisions part of one ‎continent may simply override part of the others, crumpling in the ‎process.‎
Some isolated mountains were produced by volcanoes, including ‎many apparently small islands that reach a great height above the ‎ocean floor.‎
Block mountains are created when large areas are widely broken ‎up by faults creating large vertical displacements. This occurrence ‎is fairly common. The uplifted blocks are block mountains or ‎horsts. The intervening dropped blocks are termed graben: these ‎can be small or form extensive rift valley systems. This form of ‎landscape can be seen in East Africa, the Vosges, the Basin and ‎Range province of Western North America and the Rhine valley. ‎These areas often occur when the regional stress is extensional and ‎the crust is thinned.‎
The mid-ocean ridges are often referred to as undersea mountain ‎ranges due to their bathymetric prominence.‎
Where rock does not fault it folds, either symmetrically or ‎asymmetrically. The upfolds are anticlines and the down‏ ‏folds are ‎synclines; in asymmetric folding there may also be recumbent and ‎overturned folds. The Jura mountains are an example of folding. ‎Over time, erosion can bring about an inversion of relief: the soft ‎upthrust rock is worn away so the anticlines are actually lower than ‎the tougher, more compressed rock of the synclines.‎
‎ Local definitions
Some authorities define a mountain as a peak with a topographic ‎prominence over a defined value: for example, according to the ‎Britannica Student Encyclopedia, the term "generally refers to rises ‎over 2,000 feet (610 m)".The Encyclopædia Britannica, on the ‎other hand, does not prescribe any height, merely stating that "the ‎term has no standardized geological meaning".‎
Native Indians believe mountains were created by the land in order ‎to give them perspective on their placement in the universe, or on ‎the "land" as they call it.‎
‎ United Kingdom
In England and Wales the Department for Environment, Food and ‎Rural Affairs has defined "mountain" (as a mass noun) as all land ‎over 600 meters, for the purposes of right to roam legislation. This ‎is a close metric *****alent of 2,000 feet (610 m). The Land ‎Reform (Scotland) Act 2022 does not appear to draw this ‎distinction, and in Scotland the term "mountain" is more ‎subjective, often being used for hills exceeding 3,000 feet (914.4 ‎m) listed as Munros. In the United Kingdom the term "hill" is ‎commonly used for all hills and mountains, regardless of height.‎

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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

تقرير عن المجموعه الشمسيه ..{تم}.. للصف العاشر

يارب لا تخيبو املي بليز بدي التقرير ضروووووووووووووووري

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

Healthy food للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم
علومكم اخواني واخواتي اعضاء المدونة؟؟

بغيت تقرير حق الانجليزي عن الغذاء لو ما عليكم امر
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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف العاشر

أوراق عمل .. الفصل الثاني للصف العاشر

السلام عليكم ..

بالمرفقات ..

بالتوفيق للجميع..

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده